This report presents the findings from the Nutrition Audit undertaken by MQSUN from June-July 2012 for the Department for International Development (DFID) Zambia. The objectives for the audit were to:
- Assess and identify the extent to which DFID Zambia’s current activities and programmes already make a contribution to reduce under-nutrition in Zambia (policy and operations) – i.e. to have a specific nutrition objective or indicator, which may be nutrition specific or nutrition sensitive.
- Assess the potential for scaling up DFID Zambia’s existing programmes to make a contribution to reduce under-nutrition in Zambia through revisions to design and to make practical and costed recommendations of how to incorporate potential scaling-up opportunities.
- Assess the geographical spread of DFID Zambia’s programmes which have existing or future potential to reduce under-nutrition and to determine the extent to which synergistic effects of programmes can be achieved.
- Assess the feasibility (and estimate the cost/benefit in nutritional terms) of integrating nutrition outcomes into the design of new DFID Zambia programmes.
- Identify appropriate nutrition indicators (and the source of baseline/monitoring data) that can usefully be integrated into existing programmes.
- Build the capacity of different teams in the office on nutrition by raising awareness about the need for a multi-sectoral approach, short- and long-term, to tackle under-nutrition.
The report makes recommendations for the inclusion of nutrition-sensitive activities in all of DFID Zambia’s programmes including governance, human development and cross-cutting programmes. It provides details on the opportunities, feasibility and “how to” for inclusion for each of these programmes. For each recommendation, a timeline and cost estimate is provided. In addition, indicators are proposed to measure nutrition outcomes achieved through the integration of these recommendations.