<div class="title-block" style="border-bottom-color: #b56b79"><h1><img class="title-image" src="https://www.heart-resources.org/wp-content/themes/heart/images/education.svg">Girls’ Education</h1><div class="post-type-description"></div></div> – HEART https://www.heart-resources.org High-quality technical assistance for results Fri, 10 Dec 2021 09:26:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6.10 Social Protection & Gender Equality Outcomes Across the Lifecycle https://www.heart-resources.org/doc_lib/social-protection-gender-equality-outcomes-across-the-lifecycle/ Fri, 10 Dec 2021 09:26:36 +0000 https://www.heart-resources.org/?post_type=doc_lib&p=32133 Read more]]> Social protection is a fundamental right and key tool in addressing shocks, vulnerability, gender inequality and poverty. It can make the difference that keeps a child from going to bed hungry and missing school. It can allow people to access essential healthcare and to adapt more easily to climate related disasters. Expanding coverage and improving the design and implementation of social protection programmes – such as child benefits, maternity and parental leave benefits, and pensions – can have a significant impact on the most vulnerable households and protect people from slipping into poverty during times of change and challenge.

These experiences of poverty, vulnerability, life-cycle changes and crisis are consistently gendered experiences, with women and girls over-represented among those living in poverty globally, and difference in poverty largest when care and domestic responsibilities usually assigned to women are at their peak. For example, women in the 24-34 age group 25% more likely to be in poverty,  and female headed households are staggeringly almost 50% more likely to be in extreme poverty than male headed households. COVID-19 has compounded this disadvantage, with feminized employed sectors likely to be the hardest hit during recessions, whilst critical services that respond to gendered needs, experiences and disproportionate care burdens all severely constrained – from GBV response services, to SRHR, to childcare. However, increasingly, we are seeing that social protection can contribute to a range of gender equality outcomes, as well as delivering different gendered results depending on design, implementation choices and context.

But what does the evidence say? What do we know about the impacts of social protection on gendered outcomes relating to education outcomes such as access to schools and learning? What about SRHR outcomes and maternal health – or nutrition? Do we see evidence for impacts on violence against children, gender-based violence, abuse and neglect – and do these differ for girls, boys, women and men? What do we know about the potential impacts of social protection on women’s economic empowerment?

This report provides a concise summary of the findings of a rapid evidence assessment, capturing the recent evidence on whether and how social protection programmes in low and middle-income countries can contribute to gender equality. Critically, the paper summarises evidence with a lifecycle perspective, from infancy through to adulthood. You will find the full report in the drop-down menu, which focuses on evidence relating to social protection and gender organised into four key pillars: (1) Education and Learning; (2) Health & Nutrition; (3) Child Protection & GBV and (4) Economic Empowerment. Readers also have the option to download ‘mini’ papers extracting the findings for each pillar.

Girl-Focused Life Skills Interventions at a Distance https://www.heart-resources.org/doc_lib/girl-focused-life-skills-interventions-at-a-distance/ Fri, 17 Jul 2020 13:57:21 +0000 https://www.heart-resources.org/?post_type=doc_lib&p=31996 Read more]]>
This rapid review explores the evidence and lessons learned about engaging girls in life skills interventions at a distance (i.e. through mobile, online, radio or other) both in emergency and nonemergency settings. The purpose of the review is to assist programmes in identifying relevant and effective ways to continue and build girls’ life skills remotely during the widespread school closures and quarantine of the COVID-19 crisis (Albrectsen and Giannini, 2020). The main interest of the review is emergency contexts, however, the limited evidence as well as the potential for learning from programmes from non-emergency settings, led to the inclusion of non-emergency settings in the review. As evidence is scarce in this area, the report is based on a rapid literature review of academic studies, grey literature and emerging evidence, to ensure relevant insights are captured.
The lack of rigorous studies on the impact of remote life skills interventions in general and specifically those focused on adolescent girls demonstrates a clear evidence gap. The review did identify relevant evidence when reviewing literature on several other topics, mainly shifting gender norms using media and communications and remote Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) approaches (most of which focus on HIV). The literature reviewed explored many modes of remote programme delivery, including – radio, magazines, TV, social media, mobile phones, interactive apps and hotlines. Some of the interventions reviewed were ones that require significant planning and preparation, such as TV and radio soap operas (Sugg, 2014; World Bank, 2017). To increase the applicability to the COVID-19 response, the review put greater emphasis on interventions that could be developed and implemented quickly.
The Links Between Girls’ Life Skills Intervention in Emergencies and their Return to Education Post-crisis and Prevention of Unwanted Pregnancies and Early Marriage https://www.heart-resources.org/doc_lib/the-links-between-girls-life-skills-intervention-in-emergencies-and-their-return-to-education-post-crisis-and-prevention-of-unwanted-pregnancies-and-early-marriage/ Fri, 17 Jul 2020 13:55:50 +0000 https://www.heart-resources.org/?post_type=doc_lib&p=31995 Read more]]>
This rapid review focuses on identifying evidence and lessons learned on the links between life skills interventions in emergency settings and the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and early marriage and return to education post crisis amongst adolescent girls. It seeks to enable learning from past emergencies to inform the design of effective support to adolescent girls throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Due to the focus on adolescent girls and emergency settings, an area with limited rigorous evaluations (Nobel et al., 2019), this report is based on a rapid literature review of academic studies, grey literature and emerging evidence, to enable the capturing of any significant learnings from relevant programmes.
Evidence and lessons learned from specific programmes identified in the review suggest that life skills interventions for adolescent girls in emergencies impact on areas that have the potential to lead to reduction in unwanted pregnancies and early marriage and support return to education, and limited evidence that they can have direct impact on these outcomes. Ten relevant interventions with impact or lessons learned where identified. Most of these interventions were implemented with adolescent girls from displaced communities and in refugee camps in Sub Saharan Africa. A small number of programmes reported a direct link between the interventions and the outcomes in the research question. Three mentioned impact on girls continuing and returning to education (Plan International, 2019; UNDF, 2016), three mention impact on reducing early marriage (IRC, 2018b; UNDF, 2016), and one mentions direct impact on reducing unwanted pregnancy (Bandiera et al, 2019).
The Secondary Impacts of COVID-19 on Women and Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa https://www.heart-resources.org/doc_lib/the-secondary-impacts-of-covid-19-on-women-and-girls-in-sub-saharan-africa/ Fri, 17 Jul 2020 13:47:45 +0000 https://www.heart-resources.org/?post_type=doc_lib&p=31994 Read more]]>
This rapid review focuses on identifying evidence on the secondary impacts of COVID-19 on women and girls in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It aims to enable a greater understanding of the unique circumstances of women and girls in the region, which could assist with the provision of effective support throughout the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath. Guided by available evidence, the review explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and girls in SSA across various issues. These include some of the following – girls’ education, social protection, unintended pregnancies, access to health services, poverty, livelihood, land rights, women’s and girls’ informal employment, food security and nutrition, female health workforce, and access to WASH.
The review touches upon, but does not thoroughly investigates the following topics as they are considered in other reviews – Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), girls’ and women’s rights, child marriage, harmful social norms, and women’s political participation, leadership and empowerment. Despite the limited data, the review found that based on emerging evidence and lessons from past health crises, there is strong evidence to suggest that women and girls in SSA will suffer from extreme and multifaceted negative secondary impact as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Some of which may include higher poverty rates, increase in unplanned pregnancies, a surge in school dropout rates and child labour of adolescent girls, loss of income and reduced financial empowerment, increased household work, reduced access to healthcare and WASH alongside increased maternal deaths, and greater food insecurity and malnutrition.
What are the Lessons Learned from Supporting Education for Marginalised Girls that Could be Relevant for EdTech Responses to COVID-19 in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries? https://www.heart-resources.org/doc_lib/what-are-the-lessons-learned-from-supporting-education-for-marginalised-girls-that-could-be-relevant-for-edtech-responses-to-covid-19-in-lower-and-middle-income-countries/ Tue, 02 Jun 2020 14:46:56 +0000 https://www.heart-resources.org/?post_type=doc_lib&p=31968 Read more]]> This report provides a rapid evidence summary of the impact of school closures on marginalised girls and presents strategies which involve elements of education technology to mitigate these negative impacts.

In considering the broader evidence on what works in supporting marginalised girls’ education, this report focuses on those that could be facilitated, through use of education technology, to support continuation of girls’ learning in a context of school closures and to support their return to school once they reopen.

Given that the most marginalised girls have very little access to education technology, and that this access will be further limited by school closures, this report includes strategies that require some face-to-face contact (for example, home visits, girls’ club meetings), that can be facilitated or monitored using technology.

Evidence on how education technology solutions can support learning among marginalised groups (including children with disabilities, special educational needs, and populations affected by conflict and crisis) during the Covid-19 pandemic is covered in other papers in this series (see #3 and #4). This paper therefore focuses in particular at addressing the gendered barriers to learning experienced by girls.

Let All Girls Learn: A Case Study in Successful Educational Reform at Scale in Kenya https://www.heart-resources.org/doc_lib/let-all-girls-learn-a-case-study-in-successful-educational-reform-at-scale-in-kenya/ Tue, 08 Jan 2019 16:49:20 +0000 https://www.heart-resources.org/?post_type=doc_lib&p=31652 Read more]]> Between 2013 and 2017, Education Development Trust designed and delivered a large-scale education reform programme in Kenya, intended to improve the life chances of some particularly disadvantaged girls. This was funded by the UK government Department for International Development (DFID) as part of the UK global Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) Step Change programmes. Education Development Trust called their project ‘Wasichana Wote Wasome’ (WWW); Kiswahili for ‘let all girls learn’.

DFID commissioned an independent global review of the GEC programme of which WWW was a part. This used a particularly rigorous evaluation methodology including a randomised controlled
trial comparison of the performance of the girls that we supported, with a control group of girls outside the programme. The DFID independent evaluation identified WWW as one of the most effective GEC projects in the world. Not only did many girls re-engage in education but the academic achievements of the girls in school were particularly impressive.

Support to Sierra Leone Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment Programme (SAGE): Scoping and Design Report https://www.heart-resources.org/assignment/support-sierra-leone-adolescent-girls-empowerment-programme-sage-scoping-design-report/ Fri, 04 May 2018 15:11:45 +0000 http://www.heart-resources.org/?post_type=assignment&p=31209 Read more]]> SAGE is a DFID supported, integrated programme to improve the lives of adolescent girls, responding to the multiple and interrelated disadvantages they face. It comprises two components:
  1. Delivery of integrated services for vulnerable adolescent girls through a safe spaces approach, including enhancing their access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education and services.
  2. Support for the elimination of harmful traditional practices (HTP).

The overall objective of this assignment is a focus on component one and ensuring that SAGE redesign and implementation plans are based on a thorough understanding of the evidence base on adolescent girls’ empowerment and the Sierra Leonean context.

The methodology used combined a desk review of documentation and extensive stakeholder consultations to collect information about adolescent girls’ programmes. Eliciting the views of the adolescent girls themselves was a priority.

Together with information gathered at national level, five programmes (delivered by BRAC, Concern Worldwide, Matei Empowerment Programme for Sustainable Development, IRC and Save the Children) in various areas of Sierra Leone were used as case studies, explored extensively through two field missions. Insights into smaller relevant programmes are provided through findings from a round table conversation with civil society members of the Salone Adolescent Girls Network and the results of a short follow-up questionnaire.

Some key findings of the report are:

  • Each of the case study programmes demonstrates different strengths and weaknesses, varying points of emphasis, and some interesting innovation.
  • The quality of LST is variable, with some facilitators and safe space/club mentors demonstrating more knowledge and skills than others. Influencing factors are the experience and age of the individuals, the training they have received, and the LST materials they have to hand.
  • Some programmes are investing in interventions such as community conversations and outreach to secure broad based engagement in adolescent empowerment processes, including interventions to address HTPs.

Overall, rather than seeking to create a totally new programme, our recommendation is that SAGE build on and broaden existing programmes and structures, introducing additional or new approaches and interventions where there are gaps either in geographical coverage or approach.

Annexes, which include additional data analysis from the short questionnaire and consultations with stakeholders, can be accessed here.

Suggested citation:
Roseveare, C. M. and Lavaly, S. (2018). Support to Sierra Leone Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment (SAGE) Programme: Scoping and Design Report. London, UK: High-Quality Technical Assistance for Results (HEART).

Can better sanitary care help keep African girls in school? https://www.heart-resources.org/blog/can-better-sanitary-care-help-keep-african-girls-school/ Mon, 09 Apr 2018 14:10:07 +0000 http://www.heart-resources.org/?post_type=blog&p=31121 Read more]]> This blog was written by Elizabeth Tofaris, University of Cambridge, on behalf of the the Impact Initiative for international development research. The Impact Initiative seeks to connect policymakers and practitioners with the world-class social science research supported by the ESRC-DFID Strategic Partnership, maximising the uptake and impact of research from: (i) the Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research, and (ii) the Raising Learning Outcomes in Education Systems Programme.

For young girls in developing countries, not knowing how to manage their periods can hinder access to education. Research from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, demonstrates that in rural Uganda, providing free sanitary products and lessons about puberty to girls may increase their attendance at school.

Period poverty

In many poor communities, menstruation is still often seen as an embarrassing, shameful, and dirty process. Such taboos around the topic mean many adolescent girls are often unprepared for their periods and how to manage them. Less than half of girls in lower- and middle-income countries have access to basics such as sanitary towels or tampons, soap and water, or facilities to change, clean, or dispose of hygiene products.In Uganda, only 22 per cent of girls are enrolled in secondary schools, compared with 91 per cent in primary schools, with those living in rural areas being the least likely group to go to school. Researchers believe that the cost of hygiene products and the difficulties in managing periods play a key role in keeping girls out of school.

Free sanitary products and puberty lessons can improve attendance

Over 24 months, a trial was conducted in partnership with Plan International Uganda across eight schools, involving 1,008 girls, in Uganda’s Kamuli District, an area that had been observed as having low learning levels, as well as gender disparity in health and education.The research tested whether school attendance improved when girls were given (a) reusable sanitary pads, (b) adolescent reproductive health education, (c) neither, or (d) a combination of both. Girls were provided with AFRIpads, a washable, reusable cloth pad produced in Uganda, and locally-trained community health nurses held sessions that covered changes which occur during puberty, menstruation, and early pregnancy, and on the prevention of HIV.Researchers found that better sanitary care and reproductive health education for poor schoolgirls, delivered over two years, did appear to improve attendance. On average, girls increased their attendance by 17 per cent, which equates to 3.4 days out of every 20 days.

The research project has significantly strengthened awareness that sanitary pad provision and puberty education are both vital in improving attendance. Even in the absence of resources to provide sanitary pads, the research recommends that inclusion of adequate and gender-sensitive puberty education in the school curriculum can improve attendance.

Organisations such as UNICEF and CARE have used the evidence to identify solutions to barriers to girls’ schooling associated with puberty. The project collaborated with Save the Children, UNESCO, WaterAid, and AFRIpads to lobby for menstrual hygiene management to be included as an indicator in post-2015 sustainability goals.

Further collaborations building on the evidence have included working with Save the Children on how to link the distribution of sanitary care to their West African programmes, and with UNESCO on effective programming in puberty education and menstrual hygiene management.

Ghana’s Deputy Minister of Education referenced the research when defending the decision to allocate part of the country’s 2014 World Bank loan to providing sanitary pads for female students in need. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa stated that when adolescent girls are unable to take proper care of themselves during the menstruation period, it affects their confidence, which eventually keeps them out of school.

Female hygiene on the global agenda

The research team continues to use the results as part of a push to promote female hygiene onto the global development agenda. The findings featured in preparatory documents for the WHO/ UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme indicators for menstrual hygiene management, and have been cited in the UNESCO Puberty Education & Menstrual Hygiene Management report, which aims to promote sexuality education as part of skills-based health education for young people.

The impact of the research has the potential for addressing psychosocial wellbeing, dignity, comfort, and ability to manage menstruation without shame, which are all essential for girls responding to the challenges presented by menstruation in low-income contexts.

The project, Menstruation and the Cycle of Poverty: Does the provision of sanitary pads improve the attendance and educational outcomes of girls in school? was funded by ESRC-DFID’s Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research. It was led by Catherine Dolan, SOAS, University of London; Paul Montgomery, University of Birmingham; and Linda Scott, Chatham House. The research was carried out in partnership with Plan International Uganda, with the assistance of Julie Hennegan, Johns Hopkins University; Maryalice Wu, University of Illinois; and Laurel Steinfield, Bentley University.


Dolan, C.S.; Ryus, C.R.; Dopson, S.; Montgomery, P. and Scott, L. (2014). ‘A Blind Spot in Girls’ Education: Menarche and its Webs of Exclusion in Ghana’, Journal of International Development 26.5: 643–57.

Hennegan, J. and Montgomery, P. (2016). ‘Do Menstrual Hygiene Management Interventions Improve Education and Psychosocial Outcomes for Women and Girls in Low and Middle Income Countries? A Systematic Review’, PLoS ONE 11.2: e0146985.

Hennegan, J.; Dolan, C.; Wu, M.; Scott, L. and Montgomery, P. (2016a). ‘Measuring the Prevalence and Impact of Poor Menstrual Hygiene Management: A Quantitative Survey of Schoolgirls in Rural Uganda’, BMJ Open 6.12: 1–14.

Hennegan, J.; Dolan, C.; Wu, M.; Scott, L. and Montgomery, P. (2016b). ‘Schoolgirls’ Experience and Appraisal of Menstrual Absorbents in Rural Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Evaluation of Reusable Sanitary Pads’, Reproductive Health 13.1: 143.

Hennegan, J.; Dolan, C.; Steinfield, L. and Montgomery, P. (2017). ‘A Qualitative Understanding of the Effects of Reusable Sanitary Pads and Puberty Education: Implications for Future Research and Practice’, Reproductive Health 14 (78).

Montgomery, P.; Ryus, C.R.; Dolan, C.S.; Dopson, S. and Scott, L.M. (2012). ‘Sanitary Pad Interventions for Girls’ Education in Ghana: A Pilot Study’, PLoS ONE 7.10: e48274.

Montgomery, P.; Hennegan, J.; Dolan, C.; Wu, M.;Steinfield, L. and Scott, L. (2016). ‘Menstruation and the Cycle of Poverty: A Cluster Quasi-Randomised Control Trial of Sanitary Pad and Puberty Education Provision in Uganda’, PLoS ONE 11.12: e0166122.

This blog was originally posted on UKFIET on 4 April 2018. Reposted with permission.

Changing the gendered dynamics of refugee classrooms in West Africa: introducing female classroom assistants https://www.heart-resources.org/doc_lib/changing-gendered-dynamics-refugee-classrooms-west-africa-introducing-female-classroom-assistants/ Fri, 03 Jun 2016 10:23:52 +0000 http://www.heart-resources.org/?post_type=doc_lib&p=29070 Read more]]> Refugee schools in West Africa tend to be dominated by men, with even early years classes taught mostly by male teachers. There are very few female teachers and even fewer female head teachers or education administrators. Although enrollment in the lower classes is more or less gender balanced, by the upper primary level, many of the Liberian refugee girls studying in Sierra Leone and Guinea have dropped out of school and boys greatly outnumber girls. This situation can mean that lessons are oriented to boys’ needs and experiences, that girls are discouraged from participating actively in class and that they are deprived of female role models and women who will encourage them in their studies. It can also mean that girls are vulnerable to sexual exploitation by teachers, often in return for good grades and help with lessons. Although the gender/power dynamics of classroom spaces in the west have been well-documented and theorised, there is little detailed research from development contexts, from Africa particularly, and specifically from refugee school ]]> Secondary education for refugee adolescents: education issue brief 6 https://www.heart-resources.org/doc_lib/secondary-education-refugee-adolescents-education-issue-brief-6/ Mon, 18 Apr 2016 14:46:15 +0000 http://www.heart-resources.org/?post_type=doc_lib&p=28911 Read more]]> Despite progress in enrolment and retention of refugee children in primary education services in recent years, access to secondary education for refugee adolescents remains a critical gap across UNHCR operations. This education brief outlines key information on secondary education programming for refugees.

The brief highlights that globally, only one in four refugee adolescents are in secondary school, with large numbers of young refugees, a majority of them girls, out of school. In many refugee operations, secondary education services are meeting a fraction of the demand. In Dadaab camps in Kenya for example, there are 33 primary schools, but only seven secondary schools, running at double their capacity to accommodate just 13 per cent of the adolescent population. In 2015, UNHCR aimed to spend just 13 per cent of its total education budget on secondary education, about one-third of spending allocated for primary education. Where resources are constrained, the common practice in operations has been to give priority to supporting primary education, resulting in chronic neglect of secondary education services for refugees.
