Social Protection
This blog was written by Keetie Roelen and originally appeared on the IDS website. Never has the need for social protection been greater. In response to the economic and social fallout of Covid-19, almost every country in the world has introduced or expanded programmes that support those who are most vulnerable. Informal and farm workers,… Read more
Transnational Migrants, Informal Workers, and People Living in Informal Settlements This brief presents considerations for COVID-19 management among structurally vulnerable populations in Southeast Asia, including transnational migrants, people working in the informal economy, and people living in informal urban and peri-urban settlements. These vulnerable groups are generally poorly understood, ignored, or left out of formal… Read more
This was originally posted on DAI’s website. Nepal is in the midst of a demographic shift. Over the past three decades, its fertility rate has declined and population growth has stalled. The country has quickly moved from a high-mortality, high-fertility society to a low-mortality, low-fertility society. Although this shift is an encouraging indicator of development,… Read more
This blog originally appeared on the Open University website and is reposted with their permission Measures to control the current pandemic impact more heavily on everyone whose access to internet and digital technologies is limited. But in some countries, the impact can be particularly devastating, says Anna Colom. The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on the inequalities in access to the… Read more
Over the last three decades, Nepal has experienced a demographic shift with declining total fertility rates, population growth, and improvements in life expectancy. Despite these positive shifts, the Nepalese people remain vulnerable to natural disasters, health problems, and economic shocks—45 percent of households in Nepal earn less than $2 a day. A robust social protection… Read more
This blog originally appeared on the Institute of Development Studies website, and was written by Stephen Thompson. In January 2020, a gender and disability workshop was held at IDS as part of the Inclusion Works and Disability Inclusive Development programmes. The aim was to strengthen the inclusion of gender mainstreaming within the disability programmes through raising awareness of gender… Read more
The mental health consequences of rapid onset emergencies, fragility, conflict and violence— compounded by the cyclical relationship between poverty and mental illness—are pressing challenges, especially in humanitarian settings. People with pre-existing psychosocial disabilities are also among the most vulnerable in these contexts. In this video, Alison Schafer and Mark van Ommeren from the World Health Organization discuss… Read more
Roughly half of all mental health conditions start by the mid-teens, and three-quarters by the mid-twenties. Childhood and adolescence are key developmental stages when factors such as family, peers and school, as well as poverty, violence and other forms of adversity, can have lifelong consequences for mental health. At the same time, development interventions targeted… Read more
In this video, Julian Eaton from CBM and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine discusses the ‘disease-model’ approach to mental health, the social risk factors that can contribute to mental health conditions, and explores how social development programmes can improve mental health and psychosocial support outcomes. This video was produced from a training… Read more
The 2018 Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development makes the case for mental health to be integrated into all aspects of development as part of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. This means including people with psychosocial disabilities in the work that development organisations are already doing, incorporating more targeted approaches to mental… Read more
In this video, Jasmine Kalha, QualityRights Gujarat, discusses the benefits of a rights-based approach to mental health, the QualityRights framework in the context of health systems, the role that peer support should play in QualityRights, and her favourite Article of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). In this video, Soumitra Pathare,… Read more