DRAFT: Technical Support for the Development of Telemedicine with the Ministry of Health: Data Protection and Cyber Security


This consultancy has been commissioned by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) as part of the UK government’s Digital Access Programme (DAP). The work has been undertaken by the Cyber Capacity Unit (CCU), working through Oxford Policy Management (OPM). CCU is a UK company with extensive experience of assisting governments and public bodies, bringing international best practice and experience to bear on regional cyber capacity building projects.

The aim of this project has been to produce technical recommendations for the Indonesian government, ‘Ensuring a strategic focus on data protection and cyber security within telemedicine regulation and standards, to ensure the protection of users’ is prioritised.’

The report, along with an associated conference (which will take place virtually on June 15 & 16 2021), are the main deliverables of this engagement which began in November 2020. The work has relied on quantitative and qualitative research through extensive stakeholder engagement, and as such, we would like to thank the Indonesian government for their full cooperation. In particular we would like to thank the Ministry of Health (MoH), the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (KOMINFO) and the National Social Security Administration for Health (BPJS Kesehatan) for their open and prompt responses to our requests for information and meetings, all conducted with congenial goodwill and professionalism, which has been much appreciated by the CCU team.

In addition, we also thank all those stakeholders that have contributed to this study from the private sector, academia and other professional healthcare bodies (a full list of stakeholders can be found at Annex A), again without their assistance this study would simply have lacked integrity and credibility.

Finally, we thank the FCDO DAP team based in Jakarta, who operating under very difficult COVID circumstances (as have all stakeholders), have provided constant and unwavering support to the CCU team, who are based entirely remotely.

Please note that this is the draft version of the recommendations paper to be reviewed by delegates prior to publication


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