Quality training that allows young people to find work is essential for economic and social development. This working paper assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA) as a provincial apex body in Technical Education and Vocational Training (TVET). STEVTA has reduced fragmentation of training policies and programs. This paper assesses the Authority’s legal foundation, governance, management, organization, human resources, financial resources and management, and networking with external organizations. The assessment recommends that Government of Sindh and STEVTA need to:
- Strengthen its governance by establishing a clearer reporting structure for the management of the authority’s director, and by increasing the involvement of the private sector in the board
- Enhance its institutional capacity through hiring of teachers in its institutions based upon increased funding and a sustainable human resources rationalisation plan for the system that is coordinated with planned physical investments in institutions
- Build strong operational capacity by establishing rules of business and management information systems, and drafting a strategic plan.
- Provide continued and consistent governmental support to give STEVTA stability and funding to fulfil its mandate: employment through skills.