Conduct a search to find projects that supported branding and accreditation to health facilities. Where health facilities met certain quality standards they were accredited with a logo/brand that gave recognition. If possible provide details of where this was done, and for each country its scope, implementation arrangements, costs, achievements, lessons learned, and what rewards were provided to those who received accreditation.
Please provide a summary of where rewards (such as a budget increase or rewards for workers) have been provided. Include if possible the criteria and methods for selection of beneficiaries, costs of implementation, type of rewards given, and any measurable outputs or outcomes.
This report includes articles on accreditation for health facilities. It is divided into the following sections:
- Case studies in family planning
- Current family planning accreditation in Uganda and IPPF
- General information on accreditation
- Case studies for other healthcare facilities
- Rewards
There is also some information on accreditation:
- International structures and national structures and activities for improving healthcare
- Quality concepts and tools
- Health service accreditation programmes in different countries including South Africa and Zambia
- Theories of external quality assessment (EQA) and healthcare quality management
- Experience in international accreditation / EQA
- Public-private interaction in quality management
- Application in developing countries
The report includes some key case studies of family planning accreditation programmes in Brazil, Egypt and Uganda. Recent literature on reward-based health schemes was found where accreditation is sometimes mentioned. This is generally known as pay-for-performance (P4P), results-based financing (RBF), performance-based financing or output-based aid. Section 8 lists and outlines some examples. Case studies are from DRC, Egypt, Uganda, Kenya, Belize and Rwanda.