Document Library
The document library features summaries and links to editorially-selected publications on the key themes of health, education, nutrition, social protection and WASH. The documents are sourced from academic research, policy papers and global development organisations.
As part of EACDS294, “Support to strengthen the Catch Up and blended learning approach for the Education system in Zimbabwe,” a series of guides were developed to assist teachers with implementing catch-up curriculum. These guides, and related resources and tools, can be found here: Reading Cards: 3.1a) Reading Cards_Level 1 3.1a) Reading Cards Level 2… Read more
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated and scaled up the use of technology for education across Indonesia. Due to the closure of schools, in Indonesia and globally, distance or remote learning has been one of the main options for teaching and learning activities over the last year. Remote learning is defined as a learning process that… Read more
The UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) awarded Oxford Policy Management a contract to undertake a feasibility study on the local production of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) and/or Ready to Use Supplementary Food (RUSF) in Zambia. The feasibility study has two specific milestones: initial analysis of the Zambian RUTF and RUSF market… Read more
WASH intersects with all SDGs – this publication is part of an IDS Working Paper series that looks at the intersection of sanitation and other fields. This paper explores access to water, sanitation, and health in pastoral communities in northern Tanzania. It argues that the concept of gender, used on its own, is not enough to… Read more
WASH intersects with all SDGs – this publication is part of an IDS Working Paper series that looks at the intersection of sanitation and other fields. This paper explores the relationship between accessible sanitation and disability-inclusive employment in Bangladesh and Nigeria. Both countries have sanitation and hygiene challenges as well as disability-inclusive employment challenges, but the… Read more
WASH intersects with all SDGs – this publication is part of an IDS Working Paper series that looks at the intersection of sanitation and other fields. Millions of people around the world do not have access to adequate sanitation facilities, undermining progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 6.2 that calls for adequate and equitable sanitation for all…. Read more
This study is part of the work undertaken by the Digital Access Programme (DAP) which is a UK Government partnership between Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS). The programme is aimed to support inclusive, affordable, but also safe digital access for underserved communities to increase… Read more
Social protection is a fundamental right and key tool in addressing shocks, vulnerability, gender inequality and poverty. It can make the difference that keeps a child from going to bed hungry and missing school. It can allow people to access essential healthcare and to adapt more easily to climate related disasters. Expanding coverage and improving… Read more
The MERANKABANDI cash transfer project provides regular cash payments of Burundian francs (BIF) 20,000 per household per month to help households meet their basic needs and is coupled with behaviour change promotion activities. A beneficiary household remains in the programme for three years (two and a half years with cash and behaviour change activities, and… Read more
This report provides a gender analysis of the Government of Burundi’s “MERANKABANDI” cash transfer project. This study is the first of two papers providing technical support to the UNICEF country office on the programming of activities commonly called “cash plus” or activities complementary to cash transfers. The purpose of this technical support is to assess… Read more
This report is the first output in a body of work undertaken to identify operationally feasible suggestions to improve risk communication and community engagement efforts (RCCE) with displaced Rohingya people in Cox’s Bazar. Specifically, these should seek to improve healthcare seeking behaviour and acceptance of essential health services in the camps where the Rohingya reside…. Read more