Third party verification of the delivery of education goods and services

Helpdesk Query:

What is the evidence about the effectiveness of third party verification of the delivery of education goods and services (especially textbooks)? Under what circumstances and in what ways can such verification best be implemented?



This report focuses on third party verification of the delivery of education goods and services and how this verification can be implemented. Information on verification for aid delivery in general is included in section 2. A key feature of Cash on Delivery Aid is independent verification. It is also discussed in relation to Results-based Financing. In the aid literature the verification is more often of agreed project outcomes rather than simply the receipt of goods or services. Experience in South Africa highlights textbook delivery as an issue. Section 3 includes delivery verification reports and legal hearing proceedings of the South Africa Human Rights Commission. Section 4 notes the use of third party verification in fragile states. The World Bank use Service Delivery Indicators in the health and education sectors, outlined in section 5.




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