Experience of implementing large-scale integrated preventive health programmes

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Helpdesk Query:

Produce a report looking at experience of large-scale programmes delivering primary preventive health messaging and strategies. If possible, look specifically for behaviour change programmes with messages integrated across sectors. Experience from Malawi would be most useful, as well as information from sub-Saharan Africa and other low-income countries.


Experience of large-scale preventive health programming integrated across different sectors was difficult to find within the scope of this report. Resources on large-scale messaging or strategies with some element of integration include:

  • An evaluation of an intersectoral nutrition package in Madagascar. Success of this programme was due to Intersectoral Nutrition Action Groups, harmonisation from a wide range of partners, and supporting interventions are required to maximise effectiveness.
  • Raising Voices developed an activist kit for preventing both violence against women and HIV. The aim was to fill a gap in prevention approaches by addressing the root cause of the power imbalance between women and men.
  • Oxfam discuss the use of education entertainment (or edutainment). Recommendations for edutainment include: using language that is understandable to everyone, present alternatives to a status quo, and use engaging and attractive materials.
  • Mama SASHA (Sweet potato Action for Security and Health in Africa) is a programme linking agriculture with healthcare. It aims to improve the health and nutrition of pregnant/lactating women and children <2 years.
  •  A case study on the Health Promoting Schools (HPS) programme in South Africa describes evolution from a policy developed through an alliance between government departments (particularly health and education) and between various disciplines, professionals, and sectors, based on shared goals . There is limited evidence on evaluation of health impact, however, practitioners report greater cross sectoral collaboration and integration of health and achievement of process objectives.
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