What data and analysis is available on: funding of anti-modern slavery interventions by donor governments and by private sector and philanthropic organizations; and the estimated funding gap between current spending on such interventions and global need?
Focus on support to low and middle income countries (especially Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Russia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, DRC).
This review looks at the availability of funds to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking, and the availability of data in this regard. It seeks to move beyond the findings of Martina Ucnikova’s 2014 paper, OECD and Modern Slavery: How much aid money is spent to tackle the issue?, and identify updated (post-2013) data on funding by governments as well as private sector and philanthropic organisations.
The review found a very limited peer-reviewed academic literature in this regard and drew largely on reports by development organisations and think tanks (though these too were limited). The query called for a specific focus on LMICs, in particular 12 identified countries. However, most anti-modern slavery funding is directed globally and/or data is not disaggregated by country. This and time constraints meant it was not possible to address this aspect of the query.