What is the evidence around effective family planning communication/ behaviour change communication? For example, the effectiveness of interpersonal communication; mass media etc.
This report looks at the evidence available on effective behaviour change communication for increasing the uptake of family planning methods. It provides information on several different methods. Studies indicate that if a woman has been given advice to adopt postpartum contraception three or more times, the couple are more likely to have adopted a method. One time advice does not make much difference. Hence it is important to reinforce the same messages several times at intervals.
Frontline workers are key, as are home visits to promote contraception in the 4th, 6th and 7th months after delivery when women are most exposed to unwanted pregnancies. Interpersonal communication supported by mass media could play a key role in adoption of birth spacing by increasing correct knowledge on contraception, addressing misconceptions and triggering spousal communication (Khan et al 2013). This research could be useful when planning behaviour change communication for women who have previously given birth. This report is based on a brief search of the literature over a four day period and the following sections outline different methods of behaviour change communication.