Gender Audit of Nepal’s School Sector Reform Programme

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Positives to come out of the gender audit include:

  • the national average gender parity index looks encouraging
  • repetition rates and retention data show positive trends from a gender point of view
  • textbooks used in Nepal’s schools are on the whole free from gender bias and avoid negative gender stereotypes
  • the expanded girls’ scholarship scheme and the construction of more school toilets are both progressing well
  • at the grass-roots, there is innovative and inspiring good practice in evidence, which encourages parents to send their daughters to school and support them in their learning

Challenges and problems remain.

Priority recommendations for the Ministry of Education and Department of Education for the short term come under the following headings:

  • Supporting and protecting girls at school
  • Improving women’s participation in the sector
  • Planning
  • Strengthening existing structures

Recommendation for the medium term involve:

  • Collecting and using information
  • Improving capacity and accountability
  • Improving women’s participation in the sector


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