Gender-Sensitivity Analysis of the Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Programme


The Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Programme (SASPp) was launched in 2014 to support the design and implementation of adaptive social protection programmes and systems in six Sahel countries: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal.

The SASPp aims to increase access to adaptive social protection systems for poor and vulnerable populations to help them anticipate, absorb, and recover from covariate climate shocks and stresses (such as drought and flooding), and to support national social protection systems to become more adaptive and responsive to shocks and stresses (World Bank, 2019).

With funding from the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) this report sought to assess the gender-sensitivity  of the SASPp, including the extent to which the SASPp considers the differential needs and impact of programme activities on women and men, girls and boys, and uses this information to inform programme design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.

The following steps were followed to conduct this assessment and provide robust evidence-based recommendations for the SASPp programme team to take forward:

  1. A literature review on gendered vulnerabilities and gender dimensions of adaptive social protection systems and what works to ensure they are gender-responsive and transformative.
  2. A review of programme documentation to assess the gender-sensitivity in SASP’s design and implementation, including assessing how gender is considered across the programme, and what types of activities are tailored to respond to differential needs of women and men.
  3. Key Informant Interviews with staff from the World Bank at headquarters and in-country and national stakeholders of the programme.

You can download the report by clicking the green button, and a presentation is also available here.


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