Independent evaluation and strategic review of the South Asia Food and Nutrition Security Initiative (SAFANSI)

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This independent evaluation finds SAFANSI is well on track to achieve its purpose. Substantive outputs and outcomes are starting to emerge from the short period of its operations and it exhibits good principles of development effectiveness in its management and operations.

Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) remain large problems in South Asia and are unlikely to get resolved by themselves without specific interventions.  SAFANSI work is demonstrably targeted at the poorest and most vulnerable, especially women and the socially excluded.

Analytical work under SAFANSI is of a uniformly high and rigorous standard, and is starting to influence broader policy formulation. Many activities are innovative. SAFANSI is engaging effectively in fragile and conflict affected environments including Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan. Multi-sectoral approaches are being institutionalised within the World Bank South Asia Division, largely attributable to SAFANSI financing. Operations are efficient and provide value for money.

Suggestions include:

  • Adapting the Results Framework to better capture how SAFANSI is influencing outcomes and ultimately making a contribution to FNS impact.
  • Improving the visibility of analytical knowledge products amongst key decision makers.
  • Better utilising the potential of the Technical Advisory Committee to guide future strategic directions and proactively advocate for FNS.


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