Assignment Reports
HEART is a consortium of leading organisations offering short-term technical support, including reviews and evaluations, strategy think-pieces, specialist reports and programme design. Wherever possible, we make assignment reports available on our website.
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This paper provides an overview of key reforms and organisational development initiatives currently underway within the South African public health sector at the national level. South Africa has made significant progress establishing certain aspects. For example: progressive public health legislation and policies, a unified national health system, increased infrastructure at primary care level, removed user… Read more
This is the second annual review of the second phase of DFID’s grant to HERFON and was commissioned by DFID to review the progress made since August 2010. The review was undertaken 05-16 September 2011. The report is set out in the following sections: Progress against the logframe Impact monitoring – answering the “so what”… Read more
This report outlines 5 cases for education intervention in Gaza: The strategic case outlines the context and expected outcomes. The appraisal case looks at feasible options addressing the Strategic case, the evidence for each option, costs and benefits of options, and value for money. The commercial case outlines direct and indirect procurement requirements and issues…. Read more
The proposed intervention is to finalise construction of 14 County Education Centres (CECs) such that they become operational. The CECs will predominantly be used for the in-service training of teachers, although they will eventually also be used for government training for other sectors, such as health and agriculture. They will also potentially be used by… Read more
The Health Authority of Anguilla (HAA) was established in 2004, transferring provision of services to a statutory authority, aiming to allow service managers to operate free of public service constraints. The sector review concludes that the HAA is not independent enough. The government exerts unnecessary and partisan influence through the board of management. The review… Read more
The report first provides an overview of the extent, causes and consequences of undernutrition. The report considers data on anthropometric status of women and children, the extent of micronutrient deficiencies and indicators of nutrition behaviour in Pakistan. This is followed by an overview of guiding principles of the two DFID nutrition strategy papers (2010, 2011),… Read more
In terms of skills transfer and capacity development, technical assistance (TA) in the first SWAp in Malawi was a failure. This was partly due to lack of Malawian counterparts with quality staff leaving the service. The TAs were required to do the jobs themselves. It was also partly due to strained professional relationships between staff… Read more
The objective of this scoping mission is to assess and prioritise the most important English language training needs in South Sudan, in the period following independence. Interviews were carried out with ministries, funders, NGOs, private sector and other groups. The report recommends that DFID should focus on key areas of English language teaching (ELT), to… Read more
The need for assistance to the urban poor of Bangladesh continues to be strong and, as a result, the Goal and Purpose of the UCEP Programme remain entirely valid. It currently reaches a small proportion of working children and aims to reach more. The way UCEP was established and has developed make it extremely susceptible… Read more
The objectives of the review were to revise the programme log frame to reflect the outcome of the 2011 Bilateral AIDS Review decision not to continue with the Total War on AIDS component; to review the progress towards milestones and targets and make recommendations on any changes that should be made as the programme enters… Read more
The primary purpose of this assignment was to review the Health Partner Group (HPG) functions and structure in order to maximise effective engagement with Ministry of Health Mozambique (MISAU). Areas reviewed include: Summary of coordination arrangements and progress to date Capacity to engage effectively at HPG level Capacity to engage effectively at Working Group level… Read more