Full costing of the WINNN Programme: ORIE- summary report

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This report presents the findings of the full costs of the WINNN programme. The costing exercise assess the costs of delivering the WINNN outputs over the programme’s duration. All outputs are costed from a programme perspective i.e. considering the WINNN programme’s expenditure, while the IYCF and CMAM components are additional costed from a societal perspective. This includes, in addition to the expenditure of the WINNN programme, costs incurred by health service providers in providing the intervention and costs incurred by health service users.

The study finds that the overall expenditure for the WINNN programme was £33.6 million ($52.6 million) with expenditure for each intervention varying across the years according to programme growth, procurement of supplies and contributions from the government. WINNN is found to be a people-intensive programme, with 33% of overall expenditure being on human resources. Within each intervention, the biggest cost driver is the main component of that intervention e.g. Ready-to-use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) provision in the CMAM programme. IYCF promotion was found to be less costly per beneficiary than the CMAM programme. However, comparisons with other estimates finds the cost of the CMAM programme to be broadly similar. A lack of evidence makes it difficult to compare cost of the IYCF interventions to other programmes.

The full version of the report is available here.

Suggested citation: Vargas, P., Keen, S. (2017), ‘Full costing of the WINNN Programme – summary report: Operations Research and Impact Evaluation’, Oxford Policy Management, Oxford, UK

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