Adult, Higher and Vocational Education
This report is especially devoted to examining the changes that have taken place since the 1998 UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education. While many trends included in this report were discussed in 1998, they have intensified in the past decade. Much of this report is concerned with the ways in which higher education has responded to… Read more
Through environmental protection, the green economy offers opportunities for more economic growth, increased prosperity and social justice. Environmental protection, economic growth and poverty reduction can go hand in hand. TVET is central to sustainable development of the green economy, as it prepares people to consider environmental and sustainability aspects for appropriate application in their professional… Read more
This is a synthesis report of the UN Secretary-General on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. It details a universal and transformative agenda for sustainable development of people and the planet, underpinned by rights. In the report, the Secretary-General makes that point that for progression, it will be essential that young people receive relevant skills. These… Read more
This document details the report of the Open Working Group of the UN General Assembly on the SDGs. It details recommendations for the post-2015 development agenda. A total of 17 SDGs are recommended. Goal 4 is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Target 4.4 is focused specifically… Read more
This paper presents eight proposals that are based on several bodies of work on skills development. They aim to incorporate the detail of the discussion on skills development, some new ways of thinking about the topic, some priority areas and neglected issues, key topics, as well as data and research needs. The eight proposals are… Read more
This review presents pre-employment and enterprise training funds from over sixty countries. The characteristics, advantages, and limitations of each are presented. Key design questions are discussed and examples of good practice illustrated. National training funds are increasingly used to finance training. This paper presents a typology of three main types of training funds by purpose:… Read more
Various interventions aim to increase the capacity of poor people to generate income. Vocational training, micro-finance or business grants are commonly implemented. If perceived returns from these interventions differ from actual returns, individuals who put themselves forward to participate may not be those for whom the program is the most effective. This paper details an… Read more
Skills transform lives and drive economies. Skills have become the global currency of 21st-century economies. There is evidence that countries can do better in developing and using the skills that are available to them. Building on its whole-of-government approach to policy making and its unique evidence base, the OECD has developed a global Skills Strategy… Read more
There is increased recognition of the important that skills policies need to play in the post-2015 agenda. International organisations are presenting their views on the global situation of skills and the policies that should be implemented. The article reviews the policy framework of the OECD Skills Strategy and its implications for the education and development… Read more
The objective of this ebook is to critically engage with South Africa’s current skills development strategy and to analyse the prospects for a successful upskilling of the population. It contains chapters written by leading South African academics. It also includes content from skillsformation systems experts. This ebook attempts to examine what is understood by the… Read more
As many as 24 million youths live in Ghana. In the last 20 years it has shown impressive gains in economic growth and in poverty reduction. Sustained growth requires three steps: Increase productivity in the strategic economic sectors Diversify the economy Expand employment Raising the quality and quantity of skills provides a contribution to these… Read more