Adult, Higher and Vocational Education
This book is concerned with upgrading job relevant skills. It focus on three types of training programs relevant for individuals who are leaving formal general schooling or are already in the labour market. These are: Pre-employment technical and vocational education and training (TVET). TVET is usually offered within the formal schooling track and tends to… Read more
Structural transformation and productive entrepreneurship can create jobs and accelerate growth. For many people living in poverty in Africa’s least developed countries, subsistence agriculture is the main source of employment. Jobs and growth will improve their chances of increasing their standard of living. However, progress of a dynamic private sector in industry or high value-added… Read more
This document focuses on possible market failure in the firm-based vocational training market. It considers that training requirements may be complex. If this is the case, they will be unlikely to be specified in a legally enforceable contract. This makes is hard for firms to commit to training provision. Training tends to be lower where… Read more
This synthesis is concerned with the definition of the word ‘skill’. It argues that the word skill often has different meanings when being used in different contexts. Economists, sociologists and psychologists all ascribe high importance to skills, yet frequently define skills in different ways. Skill and competence are often interchanged. A simple functional concept is… Read more
The Employment Fund Project (EF) was founded in 2008 and is currently one of the largest youth training initiatives in Nepal. 15,000 youths are engaged with annually. EF competitively contracts training and employment service providers. Training courses are market-driven. Providers must complete a Rapid Market Assessment during the competitive bidding process. Services include formal technical… Read more
This paper was written as part of the planning phase for the Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2012. Its objective is to highlight current policies that support skills development and to identify gaps that present potential for progress. Theories of skills acquisition have moved on from being exclusively linked to formal education settings. Other… Read more
This study focuses on skills development in South Africa. It examines the relationship between TVET and development. In South Africa, numerous skills interventions are believed to have failed to increase the numbers of skilled workers. Skills shortages and an inflexible labour market are regarded as causes of unemployment. The State regulates skills development through qualification… Read more
This paper argues that the role of vocational education and training in development needs to be considered from a theoretical standpoint. Current approaches in vocational education are outdated. Recent theoretical thinking about development offer a new perspective through which to understand the value of vocational education and its role in developing countries. There is a… Read more
This paper focuses on research and evaluation of workforce development programming for youth. It is focused on developing countries, but some case studies from the United States are included. A framework for guiding the interpretation of the impact that workforce development has on youth outcomes is presented. Trends in the field that increase positive youth… Read more
This paper summarises evidence on youth education in crisis- and conflict-affected settings. The role of education and youth engagement in these contexts is discussed. A summary of the research available indicates that life skills training has resulted in increased self-awareness and empathy, as well as, decision making, goal setting, and communication skills for youth.
This study examines the role played by education and skills development in achieving sub-saharan Africa’s full potential. It uses household labour force surveys to look at the experience of skills development in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Tanzania. The household labour force surveys capture the skills profile of the informal sector and study how different… Read more