Curriculum, Learning and Teaching
Birte Snilstveit, 3ie’s Evaluation Specialist, presented findings on 14th April 2016 from 3ie’s systematic review on education effectiveness, Interventions for improving learning outcomes and access to education in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on education aim to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning. In… Read more
Substantial progress has been made in improving access to education in low- and middle income countries (LMICs). However, several challenges still need to be addressed. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on education aim to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning. In this context, there is a need for evidence on the effects… Read more
Limited evidence was identified which directly addresses the benefits and disadvantages of having an independent curriculum and assessment body at national level. Suggestive evidence from Latin America indicated that external assessment institutes have some advantages due to their higher level of autonomy including improved staff capacity; ability to sustain long-term plans and reduced impact of… Read more
This article is based on observations of the educational facilities provided for asylum seeking children detained on Christmas Island. These observations are situated within international and domestic legal and policy frameworks addressing the educational rights of asylum seeking children. The article argues that challenges such as the effects of institutionalisation on children and their parents, and the absence… Read more
Where have all the teachers gone? Why there are never any teachers in Africa’s refugee camps and what we can do about it, is chapter 10 of Next steps in managing teacher migration: papers of the sixth Commonwealth research symposium on teacher mobility, recruitment and migration. When it is time to start formal education soon after… Read more
Improving student learning outcomes is one of the top priorities for the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology & Sports (MOESTS). Valid and reliable measures of the quality and distribution of student learning outcomes are essential components in the drive for improved education quality. However, improved learning achievement depends not only on the resources invested in… Read more
Late in 2015 I jointly posted with Dr. Abhijeet Singh of the Young Lives team in Oxford: Getting learning assessments right when money depends on it about a novel, national scale experiment that directly links financial aid for education to improvements in student learning outcomes. We outlined some of the risks, both statistical and political,… Read more
Over the past decade humanitarian actors have focused attention and resources on developing education as a specific intervention aimed at mitigating psychosocial distress affecting children during war. Of particular importance in this effort is support for teachers. The importance of teachers in children’s lives dramatically increases in situations affected by armed conflict: children may have… Read more
Teachers are at the heart of the education reforms of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). A school based programme of continuous professional development for teachers was therefore introduced in 2012. UNRWA’s School Based Teacher Development (SBTD): Transforming Classroom Practices programme reflects the importance of developing and supporting… Read more
Students in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) schools are taught the curriculum of their host country; an agreement which has been in place between UNRWA, UNESCO and the host countries since 1954 to facilitate refugees’ access to the host countries’ secondary schools. UNRWA need to ensure that… Read more
In Chad, refugee students from the Central African Republic (CAR) follow the Chadian curriculum, whereas Sudanese refugees followed the Sudanese curriculum since they arrived in 2003. Due to the difference in language and educational system (Anglophone in Sudan versus Francophone in Chad), a decision was made in 2003 that Sudanese refugee children would follow the… Read more