Curriculum, Learning and Teaching
The past two decades have seen an unprecedented global increase in enrolment rates: although the MDG goal of universal primary education may not have been met universally, the rate of progress has been remarkable But in the last decade, we’ve also become very aware that learning levels of students in school are often very low… Read more
This Guide has been developed by the OECD’s Programme on Institutional Management of Higher Education (IMHE) to assist higher education institutions, university leaders and practitioners in fostering quality teaching. Provosts, vice-rectors of academic affairs, heads of teaching and learning improvement centres, deans and programme leaders, supporting staff, members of internal and external quality assurance bodies,… Read more
New technologies, globalization, the information revolution, and labor market changes have affected the world economy on an unprecedented scale. As a consequence, the demand for a skilled workforce has increased, world trade and migration have intensified, and the divide between the haves and have‐nots has vastly widened. While many developed countries have by now gone… Read more
The introduction of seminars to university teaching marks the onset of a new teaching philosophy and practice in which writing is used to make students independent learners and researchers. Although the beginnings of writing pedagogy at American universities are well documented, little is known about its origins in Germany. The article tracks the history of… Read more
Through environmental protection, the green economy offers opportunities for more economic growth, increased prosperity and social justice. Environmental protection, economic growth and poverty reduction can go hand in hand. TVET is central to sustainable development of the green economy, as it prepares people to consider environmental and sustainability aspects for appropriate application in their professional… Read more
This is a synthesis report of the UN Secretary-General on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. It details a universal and transformative agenda for sustainable development of people and the planet, underpinned by rights. In the report, the Secretary-General makes that point that for progression, it will be essential that young people receive relevant skills. These… Read more
The objective of this ebook is to critically engage with South Africa’s current skills development strategy and to analyse the prospects for a successful upskilling of the population. It contains chapters written by leading South African academics. It also includes content from skillsformation systems experts. This ebook attempts to examine what is understood by the… Read more
As many as 24 million youths live in Ghana. In the last 20 years it has shown impressive gains in economic growth and in poverty reduction. Sustained growth requires three steps: Increase productivity in the strategic economic sectors Diversify the economy Expand employment Raising the quality and quantity of skills provides a contribution to these… Read more
This report uses data from the school-to-work transitions surveys (SWTSs) from 2012-2013. It assesses the labour market conditions of youth in rural and urban areas. From this perspective it offers insights into prospects for fundamental transformations of rural sectors within the development process. While confirming some blurring between rural and urban areas in terms of… Read more
This paper offers a theory of training whereby workers do not pay for the general training they receive. The superior information of the current employer regarding its employees’ abilities relative to other firms creates ex post monopsony power, and encourages this employer to provide and pay for training, even if these skills are general. The… Read more
Quality training that allows young people to find work is essential for economic and social development. This working paper assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the Sindh Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA) as a provincial apex body in Technical Education and Vocational Training (TVET). STEVTA has reduced fragmentation of training policies and programs…. Read more