Girls’ Education
The GESS project aims to increase enrolment, retention and levels achievement for girls in South Sudan. This review finds good progress on all three outputs. The continuing insecurity in the three Greater Upper Nile States has clearly impacted project progress, and a programme level Interim Strategy has been put in place to ensure GESS is… Read more
This study examines the effects of gender and early biological, social, and psychological risk factors on secondary school grade attainment in rural Guatemalan adolescents. The present sample comprised 333 adolescents (156 females and 177 males) with available data on growth, health, and cognitive indices as well as family histories measured during infancy and the preschool… Read more
Studies of 36 rural elementary schools in Kenya and interviews with 774 adolescents in the schools’ attendance areas found that dropping out was significantly related to individual and family variables, with many stronger effects for girls than boys, and that girls’ remaining in school was discouraged by nonsupportive classroom environments, unequal treatment of boys and… Read more
This brief focuses on the gender issues in the services provided for children who are three years of age or older in the Asia-Pacific region. It starts by looking into the growth of early childhood care and education (ECCE) in the region and what is driving its growth. It explores why gender responsiveness is important… Read more
Quality is at the heart of education. It influences what students learn, how well they learn and what benefits they draw from their education. The quest to ensure that students achieve decent learning outcomes and acquire values and skills that help them play a positive role in their societies is an issue on the policy… Read more
The Asia-Pacific region is characterised by rich ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity, and children who have an opportunity to learn through their mother tongue or home language have the best chance of understanding what is taught, making the connection between the spoken and written word and participating in their own learning. Yet, many children must… Read more
In large parts of the world, a lack of home tap water burdens households as the water must be brought to the house from outside, at great expense in terms of effort and time This paper studies how such costs affect girls’ schooling in Ghana, with an analysis based on four rounds of the Demographic… Read more
Social and economic inequalities begin early. Presented in this paper is evidence that Early Childhood Development (ECD) can lead to gender equality and empowerment, better health and education outcomes, improved skills, abilities and productivity, narrow the income, ethnic, and geographic inequality gaps, provide timely intervention for persons with disabilities, and is a cost effective strategy… Read more
In this video, Elaine Unterhalter discusses a rigorous literature review focused on girls’ education and gender equality, which she wrote with colleagues. It was commissioned by the Department for International Development (DFID) as part of a series on education. The central research question that the review set out to investigate concerned the kind of interventions… Read more
This brief summarises evidence from a rigorous literature review titled ‘Interventions to enhance girls’ education and gender equality‘ by Unterhalter et al (2014). The evidence reviewed indicates the importance of a mix of combined interventions which work to change institutions. Evidence suggests the following interventions: Resource interventions to support girls’ education (eg. conditional cash transfers… Read more
This rigorous literature review, commissioned by the Department for International Development (DfID), UK, focuses on girls’ education and gender equality. The central research question that this review sets out to investigate concerns the kind of interventions that research evidence suggests can lead to an expansion and improvement in girls’ education. It also considered evidence on… Read more