This paper includes an annotated bibliography showing key resources including those assessing different types of accountability systems, analysis of improved schools and what makes schools successful. The section is also divided into performance accountability, professional accountability and market accountability. There are additional sections on impact and evaluation of initiatives which outlines key areas such as… Read more
Despite increasing numbers of children being enrolled in school, their learning outcomes are often of poor quality. This report looks at the issues and research on poor quality student learning outcomes and what inputs can create the enabling learning environment needed to address this. The report begins with a brief section on the context of… Read more
This report looks at several examples of programmes using local block grants in education. Section 2 covers Direct Support to Schools (DSS) in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique and includes information on the objectives and the results. Section 3 includes information on Educational Block Grants to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Tanzania and Uganda. … Read more
This report includes statistics and reports on sexual abuse and violence in schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The first section of the report covers UN Security Council Reports including statistics on attacks. The next two sections cover incidents. The section on attacks on schools in Afghanistan includes information on common types of attacks and the… Read more
Nutrition interventions in schools and for school age children are covered in sections 2 and 3. These sections look at general school health and nutrition programmes, micronutrients, school feeding, de-worming, nutrition interventions for school age children, improved hygiene, cash transfers, zinc supplementation and adolescent nutrition. Information on nutrition interventions for children under 2 years old… Read more
This report is on evidence of effective voice and accountability interventions in the education sector. Some of the main findings include: School Management Committee (SMCs) and Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) • Parent teacher associations are seen as a key forum. • School functioning has improved where communities have been actively involved. Reducing teacher absenteeism •… Read more
The literature on child-to-child (CtC) approaches in developing countries is mostly related to health education. It was not always clear which age group were being targeted. It was not possible to find details of a randomised-control trial however, there are some relevant evaluation findings in section 2 of the report, including examples from Zambia, Kampala,… Read more
The South Sudan Education Programme (SSEP) is a three year project that started in March 2011. It is intended that the programme will provide access for an additional 38,000 children to schools every year. Implementation of the programme is divided into two components. One component is the construction of 37 primary and 4 secondary schools… Read more
School desks are very important and there has been a lot of research to show their impact on improving learning, more so, in fact, than a school building does. Research has shown that physical facilities have more of an impact in developing countries than in the UK and USA. There any many things to consider… Read more
The UK Government is placing a high priority on securing value for money for aid expenditure and it is critically important for DFID to demonstrate the results and impact from the major bilateral development programmes. DFID Mozambique therefore wants to assess the performance and results from its past investments in Health, HIV and AIDS and… Read more
Positives to come out of the gender audit include: the national average gender parity index looks encouraging repetition rates and retention data show positive trends from a gender point of view textbooks used in Nepal’s schools are on the whole free from gender bias and avoid negative gender stereotypes the expanded girls’ scholarship scheme and… Read more