This review shows that there is evidence of an association between child health outcomes and parents’ education. This relationship is particularly pronounced when considering the impact of maternal education. Section 2 presents some key papers showing this relationship, including one recent paper arguing that of the 8·2 million fewer deaths in children under 5 between… Read more
This review shows that there is evidence that girls, poor and vulnerable children stay in school longer if they are taught first in their mother tongue. Fifty percent of the world’s out-of-school children live in communities where the language of schooling is rarely, if ever, used at home. The language used in schools, is one… Read more
This report outlines 5 cases for education intervention in Gaza: The strategic case outlines the context and expected outcomes. The appraisal case looks at feasible options addressing the Strategic case, the evidence for each option, costs and benefits of options, and value for money. The commercial case outlines direct and indirect procurement requirements and issues…. Read more
While there is extensive literature on teacher quality, teacher education and training, most of it focuses on emphasising the extent of the problem, their importance, how they might be developed or delivered. A few others mention programmes that have been conducted in various countries. There is very little literature that focuses specifically on the impacts… Read more
This paper provides an overview of the evidence on educational outcomes from nutrition and nutritional outcomes from education. It includes the following sections: effects of intra-uterine growth retardation; low birth-weight, effects of poor infant nutrition (low weight, stunting, breastfeeding), iron deficiency anaemia in school age children, parental education and school health and feeding Some key… Read more
The proposed intervention is to finalise construction of 14 County Education Centres (CECs) such that they become operational. The CECs will predominantly be used for the in-service training of teachers, although they will eventually also be used for government training for other sectors, such as health and agriculture. They will also potentially be used by… Read more
There is a strong association between higher age at marriage and higher education levels. A global analysis of data by the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) found that girls’ education is ‘the most important factor associated with child marriage’. Another study determined that in 29 countries, women who married at the age of 18 or… Read more
There are different ways of working with governments and partner organisations to improve the quality of education in developing countries, specifically Ethiopia. This report highlights these differences by using two different donor organisations as examples. AusAID advocates for working through government systems and their approach, including impact and cost effectiveness, is summarised in section 4. … Read more
Currently only an average of 26% of the population aged 15 or over can read or write. One of the first achievements of post-conflict Afghanistan was to bring almost 4 million children back to school. However, low primary enrolment especially for girls and in rural areas and very weak learning achievements remain. This report includes… Read more
Currently only 54% of the population aged 15 or over can read or write (66.25% male and 41.75% female). Of the youth population (15-24 years), the literacy rate (2004-8) is 79% for males and 59% for females. Efforts to improve literacy rates have focused on improving inputs, such as, teacher qualifications and training as well… Read more
The objective of this scoping mission is to assess and prioritise the most important English language training needs in South Sudan, in the period following independence. Interviews were carried out with ministries, funders, NGOs, private sector and other groups. The report recommends that DFID should focus on key areas of English language teaching (ELT), to… Read more