The need for assistance to the urban poor of Bangladesh continues to be strong and, as a result, the Goal and Purpose of the UCEP Programme remain entirely valid. It currently reaches a small proportion of working children and aims to reach more. The way UCEP was established and has developed make it extremely susceptible… Read more
The importance of safe transport to improve access to education, particularly for girls has been a subject for much research. However, academic literature or general information on concrete examples of safe transport initiatives is very limited. Literature searches yield neither any information on costs or cost-effectiveness, nor any impact evaluations of initiatives. Also the literature… Read more
The EFA Global Monitoring Report for 2011 focuses on education in emergencies and recognises the importance of psycho-social interventions in addressing the negative effects of conflict, including depression, trauma, shame and withdrawal, that have devastating consequences for learning. Schools can be good places for psycho-social programmes because they can access many children, as well as… Read more
Primary school enrolments inPakistan have improved significantly in the last few years and private schooling in particular has become very popular. There is a demand for private sector education as parents consider it as ‘better’ and not necessarily due to the lack of public schools. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) in education have stepped in to improve… Read more
As with many enquiries exploring alternative or different providers of education and types of initiatives that can emerge to plug gaps in access to education, it is common to find a lot of focus in available literature on defining the terminology. Balwanz et al provide a useful paper, highlighted below, that gives comprehensive insight into… Read more
There is little literature that specifically compares the two sectors – Health and Education – to draw out the commonalities and differences between them. The only paper that searches bring up is a conceptual discussion which is reviewed in section 2. In terms of sectoral synergies for service delivery – a significant developmental strategy which… Read more
This report gives an overview of the best evidence available on whether mother tongue is the most effective language of instruction for children. It provides evidence of the impact of language of instruction on learning outcomes, international assessments of learning and provides data on the cost effectiveness of mother tongue instruction. It also reports a… Read more
The public versus private provision of education debate is the backdrop for enquiries such as this. Experts differ drastically in their approach to the potential role for the private sector – whether as ‘conduit’ and peripheral, or as legitimate and key provider. Overall, issues of equity and quality lie at the heart of the debate… Read more
This report outlines projects and programmes identified to give an idea of the higher education links landscape. Programmes are listed in sections starting with British Council programmes, UK links, European links, and programmes in North America. Some evaluation of projects is noted within these sections. A review of the Tanzania-Norway programme is published and notes… Read more
This report provides information on which methods have worked well to improve access to education for girls in Islamic countries. The report covers the following areas: Conditional cash transfers to girls- Evaluation results from programes include examples from Bangladesh, Punjab, Yemen and Nigeria. All showed increased female enrolment. Women teachers increasing girls’ attendance- Information was… Read more