From June to November 2008, the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children conducted an assessment of educational and skills training opportunities available to displaced youth in Darfur. This report looks at the challenges and opportunities young people face; examines existing services targeting youth; identifies programming gaps; and provides recommendations on how donors, policymakers and… Read more
This report examines the influences on educational programming in conflict-induced emergencies. It questions whether standardised interventions are appropriate and effective educational responses, and focuses on child-friendly spaces, school-feeding programmes, and pre-packaged education kits. It draws on a review of literature, and the country studies of Sudan, Lebanon, Uganda, and Timor-Leste.
This paper describes the theoretical framework, implementation and evaluation of Youth Clubs, a community-based psychosocial intervention implemented during the war years with the aim of supporting the psychosocial recovery and reintegration of young refugees in Serbia. The evaluation study confirmed that Youth Clubs are an efficient intervention that reduces suffering and prevents a negative outcome… Read more
In this journal, the article, Quality Education for Refugees in Kenya: Pedagogy in Urban Nairobi and Kakuma Refugee Camp Settings, examines the quality of education available to refugees in Kenya, with a particular focus on instruction. By providing empirical data about instruction in a refugee education context, the article supports anecdotal accounts and strengthens agency-led evaluations. It… Read more
Comparing curriculum developments around the globe, Understanding the School Curriculum draws on a range of educational, philosophical and sociological theories to examine the question “what is a curriculum for?” In considering different answers to this fundamental question, it explores a range of topical issues and debates, including: tensions and dynamics within curriculum policy; the implications… Read more
This research seeks to explore the education of refugee children in Uganda. Specifically, it addresses the multiple ways in which refugees access education and the social effects of the differing forms of education on the creation of stability for refugee children. Conditions in Uganda have allowed the development of four distinct arenas in which the… Read more
Since the Millennium Development Goals and Education for All targets were proclaimed in 2000, considerable progress has been made in regard to enhancing the wellbeing of young children including an increase in both the supply of and demand for pre-primary education. In comparison to 1999, by 2012 the global pre-primary GER increased by 64 per cent… Read more
This report highlights that by end-2014, 59.5 million individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, generalised violence, or human rights violations. This is 8.3 million persons more than the previous year (51.2 million). An estimated 13.9 million individuals were newly displaced due to conflict or persecution in 2014. This includes 11.0 million… Read more
This article examines the schooling that is provided in the world’s refugee camps. The limitations provided both by the nature of schooling itself and by the international refugee relief system are explored. It is concluded that there are three separate paradoxes making problematic the development of refugee education programmes. The first is the challenge that… Read more
This study looks at how schooling in East Timor was affected by the political violence and human displacement that followed the consultation held in September 1999 to decide its constitutional future. The reports makes a critical examination of the steps taken to re-establish education under the auspices of the United Nations Transitional Authority in East Timor… Read more
This report notes that on average 24 people were forced to flee each minute in 2015. This is four times more than a decade earlier, when six people fled every 60 seconds. The study tracks forced displacement worldwide based on data from governments, partner agencies and UNHCR’s own reporting. It found a total 65.3 million people were… Read more