The aim of this review was to present the recent evidence on the effectiveness of inclusive and special education approaches in improving learning and behavioural outcomes, with a focus on developing countries, particularly Ethiopia. One of the key difficulties surrounding inclusive education in developing countries is the lack of research about education in these countries…. Read more
Between 2013 and 2017, Education Development Trust designed and delivered a large-scale education reform programme in Kenya, intended to improve the life chances of some particularly disadvantaged girls. This was funded by the UK government Department for International Development (DFID) as part of the UK global Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) Step Change programmes. Education Development Trust called their project ‘Wasichana Wote Wasome’ (WWW); Kiswahili for ‘let all girls… Read more
While online learning holds increasing potential for high quality learning opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, there are reputed to be challenges, in particular legal frameworks that do not allow for the recognition of online degrees. However, increasingly institutions need to provide flexible access to tertiary education for people who may be working, have… Read more
This report focuses on the specific challenges and opportunities of states that are making two challenging concurrent transitions, away from both extreme poverty and from conflict. First, they are ‘countries where the longer term prospects of the poor to escape poverty are overall good, but not necessarily secure or sustainable, and at risk of development… Read more
Based on the lessons that emerged from the UN Millennium Development Goals and the Education for All movement 2000–2015, there is now a global consensus that universal school enrolment is necessary but not sufficient for children to learn. This report captures what might be learnt from a selection of the world’s most interesting examples of technology-assisted in-service professional development in lower-income countries… Read more
SAGE is a DFID supported, integrated programme to improve the lives of adolescent girls, responding to the multiple and interrelated disadvantages they face. It comprises two components: Delivery of integrated services for vulnerable adolescent girls through a safe spaces approach, including enhancing their access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education and services. Support for… Read more
This Second-Stage Report follows an initial scoping study (the ‘Inception Report’) and is intended to provide the Department for International Development (DFID) with support for the 2018 launch of its Education Technology Hub for Research and Innovation. This report seeks to provide actionable understanding of the EdTech ‘landscape’ in seven focal countries: Bangladesh, India, Jordan,… Read more
An estimated 75 million children cannot go to school because they have been driven from their homes by war, crisis, and natural disaster. This deprivation in turn destabilises vulnerable regions because uneducated children grow into at-risk teenagers and young adults. To strengthen its education in emergencies (EiE) programming, the U.K. Department of International Development (DFID)… Read more
The ongoing conflict in Syria has taken a devastating toll on the education system; the impact on infrastructure, personnel, resourcing and student attendance is well documented. New DFID-funded research focuses on children’s learning and their exposure to trauma to build a picture of early primary education in opposition-held areas. In combining data on academic performance… Read more
If young people in Africa are to find jobs, policies must focus on creating many more opportunities for young people to gain work. The key problem is not an inappropriate supply of young people’s labour to labour markets, but an insufficient demand for what young people have, or could have, to offer. The policy focus… Read more
In recent years, funding for youth employment interventions has rapidly increased. However, there is limited to no evidence that interventions that build skills and knowledge lead to sustained employment and increased earnings. There is also no evidence that youth employment interventions have positive impact on peace and stability, or can lead to youth empowerment in… Read more