Policy, Finance and Governance
It is difficult to assess the time it takes for inputs into education or education policy reforms to affect learning outcomes. Attributing changes in results to system-wide reforms can be complex when there are many different programmes and elements affecting outcomes. Data are not always available on learning outcomes over time and may be complicated… Read more
The report focuses on four areas: Quality (focusing on teacher training) This section discusses topics including the relationship between student performance and teacher characteristics, such as qualifications, teaching experience, and indicators of academic ability or subject-matter knowledge. Challenges to teaching quality include an overemphasis on education studies, methodology distant from classroom realities, weak teaching practice… Read more
Seminar Summary: The focus of education policy in developing countries, and of bilateral and multilateral assistance to those countries, should be on increasing student learning. Unfortunately, there is at best incomplete evidence on which education policies are most effective for increasing student learning. This note summarises the findings of 3 different reviews of “what works”… Read more
This report looks at several examples of programmes using local block grants in education. Section 2 covers Direct Support to Schools (DSS) in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique and includes information on the objectives and the results. Section 3 includes information on Educational Block Grants to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Tanzania and Uganda. … Read more
This report outlines 5 cases for education intervention in Gaza: The strategic case outlines the context and expected outcomes. The appraisal case looks at feasible options addressing the Strategic case, the evidence for each option, costs and benefits of options, and value for money. The commercial case outlines direct and indirect procurement requirements and issues…. Read more
There are different ways of working with governments and partner organisations to improve the quality of education in developing countries, specifically Ethiopia. This report highlights these differences by using two different donor organisations as examples. AusAID advocates for working through government systems and their approach, including impact and cost effectiveness, is summarised in section 4. … Read more
The need for assistance to the urban poor of Bangladesh continues to be strong and, as a result, the Goal and Purpose of the UCEP Programme remain entirely valid. It currently reaches a small proportion of working children and aims to reach more. The way UCEP was established and has developed make it extremely susceptible… Read more
Primary school enrolments inPakistan have improved significantly in the last few years and private schooling in particular has become very popular. There is a demand for private sector education as parents consider it as ‘better’ and not necessarily due to the lack of public schools. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) in education have stepped in to improve… Read more
This report gives an overview of the best evidence available on whether mother tongue is the most effective language of instruction for children. It provides evidence of the impact of language of instruction on learning outcomes, international assessments of learning and provides data on the cost effectiveness of mother tongue instruction. It also reports a… Read more
The public versus private provision of education debate is the backdrop for enquiries such as this. Experts differ drastically in their approach to the potential role for the private sector – whether as ‘conduit’ and peripheral, or as legitimate and key provider. Overall, issues of equity and quality lie at the heart of the debate… Read more