Policy, Finance and Governance
A school’s success in promoting learning is often measured in terms of the examination results of the students. Value added measures are designed to account for the ability of a school’s intake to provide a fairer and more accurate indication of performance. They are being increasingly used to provide more accurate data about the quality… Read more
In this video Joanna Härmä, visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for International Education, University of Sussex, talks about research she undertook for DFID in Autumn 2015 on non-state provision of education in low-income areas of Maputo, Mozambique. In many developing countries governments struggle to provide education that is accessible to all and of good… Read more
This book examines the challenges of delivering quality education to the approximately 39 million out-of-school children around the world who live in situations affected by violent conflict. The volume provides a comprehensive and critical overview of the links between conflict and children’s access to education, as well as a review of the policies and approaches… Read more
Improving student learning outcomes is one of the top priorities for the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology & Sports (MOESTS). Valid and reliable measures of the quality and distribution of student learning outcomes are essential components in the drive for improved education quality. However, improved learning achievement depends not only on the resources invested in… Read more
Research focusing on the links between education, development and social change has a long history; this includes research on higher education investment in low-income countries by external and international development agencies. Analysis of the impact on society of higher education in developing countries emerged alongside post-colonial discourses and modernisation theories. Research generally focused on how… Read more
This study presents results of a census of non-state schools in two low-income areas of Maputo, Mozambique. Non-state schools include purely private, community, and church mission-supported schools some of which receive government support in the form of deployment of civil service teachers. The study finds that the only notable growth of the private sector is… Read more
Internally displaced children have the same right to education as other children; this right cannot be suspended even in emergencies. Yet in reality, many internally displaced children struggle to go to school. Even when they do have access to education, they are often taught apart from local students, for example in separate schools or at… Read more
This issues paper is intended to inform a series of discussions convened by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) about a potential new platform or fund to address the educational needs of children and youth affected by crisis and conflict. In it, the authors review the current architecture for funding and delivery of educational services for… Read more
DFID Uganda is re-engaging in the education sector after several years. This is the final report on a process of identifying and appraising options for supporting improvements in early grade learning outcomes, conducted by a team of consultants under the direction of the DFID Uganda Education Adviser. The strategic case for intervening to improve learning… Read more
Mario Novelli is a professor of the Political Economy of Education at the Centre for International Education, University of Sussex. Professor Novelli talks about a new rigorous literature review on the political economy of education systems in conflict-affected contexts of which he was the lead author. There has been an increased interest in political economy… Read more
This report identifies research on the outcomes of school feeding programmes which are mixed but largely positive. Some programme costs and design considerations are presented which provide lessons for sustainability and affordability. Some cost-benefit analyses are also included and trade-offs discussed. Key points for consideration in programme design include: Geographical targeting. Biscuits are a significantly… Read more