Policy, Finance and Governance
This review explores the importance of higher education as a driver of economic competitiveness in both industralised and developing countries. As pointed out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2008, tertiary education contributes to the formation of human capital, the building of knowledge bases, the dissemination and use of knowledge, and the… Read more
Higher education aid, initially, was primarily used to provide graduate training in donor countries. Later, aid money was invested to establish new institutions or to strengthen existing institutions in the developing world. With criticisms of brain drain, mounting unemployment of the educated, and the emerging priority of Education for All programs, donor support to higher… Read more
This good practice guide focuses on the importance of cost sharing and partnerships with stakeholders in higher education, including with the private sector. The guide supports Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) education sector staff in their policy dialogue with governments and other stakeholders, and during project processing. The guide discusses the debate and evolution of cost… Read more
The government of Nigeria initiated higher education policy reforms intended to bring its university system more in line with international good practices. The reforms promote increased institutional autonomy, greater system differentiation, strengthened governance, and mechanisms for quality assurance. They seek to create a more flexible and responsive system of university teaching and research that, over… Read more
This paper attempts to elaborate on changes in the way the higher education system in Africa is governed, and institutions are managed, based on the case studies carried out in some of the countries in the region. The paper discusses the global changes in higher education and their effects on the expansion of higher education…. Read more
Social norms can reduce the costs of corrupt behavior and push a society toward a high-corruption equilibrium, but what determines individual attitudes toward corruption? How does acceptance vary across different types of corrupt behavior? An original survey of Kathmandu residents shows substantial variation in attitudes toward different types of corrupt behavior. Overall, respondents generally agreed… Read more
This chapter in the 2011 Africa Competitiveness Report analyses systems of higher education in Africa using five African countries— Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, and Tunisia— as case studies. Specifically, the chapter analyzes current enrolment trends, accessibility and equity, governance, quality and relevance, financing, university-industry linkages (UILs), and entrepreneurship education in tertiary education curricula. The idea is… Read more
This working paper contributes to the debate around the financing of higher education and calls for a fair distribution of the costs of higher education between the private sector (including students and their families) and the public sector, allocated according to the ratio of private and public benefits and externalities that it generates. In particular,… Read more
Tertiary-education policy is increasingly important on national agendas. The widespread recognition that tertiary education is a major driver of economic competitiveness in an increasingly knowledge-driven global economy has made high-quality tertiary education more important than ever. The imperative for countries is to raise higher-level employment skills, to sustain a globally competitive research base and to… Read more
This report assesses industrial policy in Ethiopia. Industrial policy is a contested issue, especially for low-income countries. Proactive policies are required to make the transition from low-productivity resourced-based societies with large informal sectors to more productive, knowledge-based and formalised patterns of productive organisation. However, channelling resources into preferential activities may reduce allocative efficiency. This can… Read more
To ensure the rhetoric of leaving no one behind becomes a reality, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give rise to an important practical question: how can we monitor progress to ensure we know if we have been successful? As our new DFID-funded paper for HEART shows, it is vital that the commitment to leaving no… Read more