Quality of learning outcomes
Eric Hanushek is the Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. He is a leader in the development of economic analysis of educational issues. His research spans such diverse areas as the impact of teacher quality, high stakes accountability, equity and efficiency in school finance, and class size reduction… Read more
This helpdesk report provides an annotated bibliography of Eric A. Hanushek’s recent work. Hanushek is from Stanford University and is a world leader in the development of economic analysis of educational issues. The focus of this report is on the papers written in the last five years (since 2008). Full versions of the papers included… Read more
In the first of our new HEART Talks series Dr. Sommers gives an insight into youth and education in fragile states. He addresses the following themes: sexual violence increasing urban migration education systems masculinity Dr. Sommers is an internationally recognised youth expert and an award-winning author. An anthropologist, Africanist, educationalist and evaluator, he has carried… Read more
It is difficult to assess the time it takes for inputs into education or education policy reforms to affect learning outcomes. Attributing changes in results to system-wide reforms can be complex when there are many different programmes and elements affecting outcomes. Data are not always available on learning outcomes over time and may be complicated… Read more
Seminar Summary: The focus of education policy in developing countries, and of bilateral and multilateral assistance to those countries, should be on increasing student learning. Unfortunately, there is at best incomplete evidence on which education policies are most effective for increasing student learning. This note summarises the findings of 3 different reviews of “what works”… Read more
This report looks at several examples of programmes using local block grants in education. Section 2 covers Direct Support to Schools (DSS) in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique and includes information on the objectives and the results. Section 3 includes information on Educational Block Grants to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Tanzania and Uganda. … Read more
Nutrition interventions in schools and for school age children are covered in sections 2 and 3. These sections look at general school health and nutrition programmes, micronutrients, school feeding, de-worming, nutrition interventions for school age children, improved hygiene, cash transfers, zinc supplementation and adolescent nutrition. Information on nutrition interventions for children under 2 years old… Read more