Violence, Conflict and Emergencies
This report tells the stories of some of the world’s six million refugee children and adolescents under UNHCR’s mandate who are of primary and secondary school-going age between 5 and 17. In addition, it looks at the educational aspirations of refugee youth eager to continue learning after secondary education. Education data on refugee enrolments and… Read more
On Human Rights Day, Ruth Naylor, co-author of our HEART topic guide on education for refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in low- and middle-income countries, highlights the data gaps and challenges to addressing educational needs for this largely invisible group. Education is a fundamental human right. Legally, every individual across the world is… Read more
Joseph Munyambanza, a refugee from the DRC, started teaching fellow refugees in Uganda in his early teens, whilst studying at secondary school. In his keynote speech in Berlin, at “Education for a better future – creating prospects for displaced populations”, he described how he had joined with other refugee youth in his camp to form… Read more
This policy briefing analyses the impact of protracted displacement on the human rights and access to livelihoods of millions of people and examine how protracted displacement situations accentuate the risk of chronic regional insecurity, fragility and conflict spillover. Through tracing the history of international responses to protracted refugee situations (PRS), the brief examine the complexity… Read more
This report found that almost all of the information on education and migration from fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS) deals with integrating refugees into schools, providing schools in refugee camps, and/or using education to promote peace and tolerance. This body of literature often includes the educational level and status of migrants, but does not examine… Read more
This topic guide is designed to support DFID advisors, education specialists, and other partners working on providing education for refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). It provides an overview of the key issues, and signposts relevant sources for further information and reading. Section 1 provides a brief introduction to the guide. Section 2 gives a global overview of forced displacement and education. Section 3 maps the state of research, policy, and practice in refugee education. Section 4 maps the state of research, policy, and practice in IDP education. Section 5 seeks to identify and explore best practice, and existing and potential future opportunities and innovations, in the field of education and forced displacement. Read more
The INEE Guidance Notes on Teacher Compensation in Fragile States, Situations of Displacement and PostCrisis Recovery (INEE Guidance Notes) were developed to address this critical challenge to quality education, and as such, provide a suggested framework for compensating teachers. They are organised around three themes: policy and coordination of teacher compensation; the management and financial aspects… Read more
This report starts by giving an overview of internal displacement in Turkey. Next, the paper looks at Turkish laws relating to the right to education and to discrimination, examining how discrimination impairs the education if internally displaced children. Thirdly, the paper discusses the consequences of the socio-economic impact of displacement on their education. Finally, the… Read more
It is difficult to conceive a sustainable, long-lasting solution to the Palestinian– Israeli conflict without examining the refugee issue and identifying a just solution to it for both sides. Over time, and beside its emotional dimensions, the refugee issue has been increasingly regarded as a “problem” for the Israeli and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)/Palestinian… Read more
Over 1.1 million Syrian children have registered as refugees with UNHCR worldwide. Of this number, some 75 per cent are under the age of 12. Children represent 52 per cent of the total Syrian refugee population, which now exceeds 2.2 million. The majority live in Syria’s neighbouring countries, with Jordan and Lebanon combined hosting more… Read more
Around the world, nearly 50 million children have migrated across borders or been forcibly displaced – and this is a conservative estimate. More than half of these girls and boys fled violence and insecurity – 28 million in total. Children in these contexts are among the most vulnerable people and this vulnerability is only getting worse…. Read more