Violence, Conflict and Emergencies
Kenya has been providing protection and lifesaving assistance to refugees since the 1960s. During the 1990s refugee influxes were witnessed from Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia. While returns took place as the situation improved in places of origin for Sudanese to South Sudan and Ethiopians to Ethiopia, a significant number of refugees remained and continue to… Read more
In Syria, the crisis has pushed the capacity of basic social services to the breaking point, with a devastating impact on 4.5 million children. A total of 2 million children are out of school and one in five schools has been destroyed, damaged, or used for other purposes, including occupation by armed groups. The economic… Read more
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) operates 666 elementary and preparatory schools across its five fields of operations, as well as nine secondary schools in Lebanon, providing free basic education for around half a million Palestine refugee children. The report notes the positive progresses made in… Read more
Young children are extremely vulnerable in emergency situations. In a field which typically focuses on the three pillars of humanitarian assistance—food, water, and health—individuals working in emergencies often see a need to do more. They want to do more for very young children and their families, and they seek real-life examples of successful programming that… Read more
Disaster situations can cause immediate and lasting damage to a child’s development. Some children experience such severe stress that their growth and brain development are irreversibly impaired – leading to low attainment at school and poor long-term health. Early childhood care and development (ECCD) in emergencies builds up children’s resilience and provides a context for development… Read more
A new HEART Topic Guide on Education for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) will be published in June 2016. Picking up where the seminal 2011 UNHCR Refugee Education: A Global Review left off, and adding a section on the important but under-researched topic of IDP education, the Guide will be an invaluable resource for… Read more
Starting in 2008 and continuing in mid-2010, fighting between Pakistan’s armed forces and militant groups has led to the internal displacement of more than 3.3 million people. The speed and scale of the Pakistani displacement led to an outpouring of assistance and support. Host communities in areas of displacement took in millions of displaced people… Read more
2008 saw the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. Participants at the international conference held in Oslo reviewed the considerable progress which has been achieved since the Guiding Principles were first issued, in terms of their influence on states, most of which have now accepted them, and as… Read more
The specific needs and human rights concerns of internally displaced persons (IDPs) do not automatically disappear when a conflict or natural disaster ends. Nor do they fade away when people initially find safety from ongoing conflict or disaster. Rather, the displaced—whether they return to their homes, settle elsewhere in the country or try to integrate… Read more
Drawing on international research in numerous countries, including Thailand, North Korea, Lebenon, Africa, the USA and the UK, the contributors consider, conceptually and empirically, the provision of education to refugees and asylum seekers in their homeland or in host countries, analysing the internal and external factors affecting educational provision during and after emergencies. Each chapter… Read more
Drawing on research from a diverse set of countries, including the USA, Somalia, Colombia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the contributors of this volume consider the relationship between education and internally displaced persons. The case studies presented raise fundamental questions regarding the barriers to education and some unexpected benefits for displaced children. The dynamics… Read more