Access to medicines
In this short video Kara Hanson from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) explains how universal health coverage (UHC) aims to make services available to everyone, without leading to financial impoverishment. The challenge is to provide the services that are needed while at the same time maintaining quality. To achieve UHC, health financing… Read more
The REACHOUT programme is an ambitious international research project helping to understand and develop the role of close-to-community providers of health care in preventing, diagnosing, and treating major illnesses and health conditions in rural and urban areas in Africa and Asia. The REACHOUT consortium is composed of eight partners and is co-ordinated by the Liverpool School… Read more
Access to reproductive health services remains a big challenge in rural remote areas in Tanzania, due to limited health personnel, the public’s poor health seeking behaviour, distance between the villages and facilities as well as medicine stock-outs in public facilities. Due to these reasons, people resort to visiting informal providers based in their communities such… Read more
Document Summary: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) were previously considered to only affect high-income countries. However, they now account for a very large burden in terms of both mortality and morbidity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), although little is known about the impact these diseases have on households in these countries. This paper presents a literature… Read more
The current conflict in Syria has been raging since March 2011. For the last two years, not a day has passed without the violence featuring on Western news bulletins. A quick scan of the headlines today (17.07.2013) reveals that the UN believes that 5,000 people are dying each month and that the refugee situation is… Read more
There have been many academic studies and analyses of malaria interventions and their cost effectiveness. Unfortunately however, as the studies have varying methodologies and countries of focus, they are difficult to compare. The information in this report outlines cost effectiveness data and conclusions. One article did a comparison of various trials which led the authors… Read more
A proposal on how the Centre for Progressive Health Financing can help improve the delivery of pro-poor health services in Liberia The provision of quality and accessible health services to improve the country’s health status is a stated priority of the Government of Liberia. The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoH) has made considerable… Read more
This review looks at articles relating to malaria and nutrition. These addressed different stages of the lifecycle, both vivax and falciparum malaria, and varying nutritional interventions. Of these, the 5-10 most-cited trials and reviews relating to each of general undernutrition, micronutrient deficiency, vitamin A, or zinc were selected for review and the ten most relevant… Read more
In the shorter term, there are two options for administration of a World Bank-hosted multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) for the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA): A recipient-executed MDTF, hosted in the Bank’s Health Anchor (HDNHE) for the bulk of funds, with a small “child trust fund” executed by the World to cover its costs of promoting… Read more
The Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) was created in recognition of the key importance of access to medicines. These documents report on: Establishing a framework for MeTA in pilot countries; gaining government commitment and establishing sectoral and national committees. Delivering against the MeTA objectives in countries; progress towards data identification, disclosure, changes in practice and logframe… Read more
HRC Report: This paper focuses on the complementary roles of Product Development Partnerships and Advanced Market Commitments as mechanisms to incentivise industry towards the development of health technologies for neglected diseases in developing countries.