Access to medicines
HSRC REPORT: This study considers: how is the implementation of product patents in India and China affecting access to medicines; will generic copies of patented medicines have to be withdrawn from the market; will prices rise; will the domestic industry disappear; and will MNCs (Multi-national Corporations) become more interested in working with domestic firms, including… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This study describes current drug regulation and registration processes in selected countries in order to understand how they affect the quality and availability of medicines in developing countries, develops policy recommendations as to how systems can more efficiently allow appropriate quality drugs to market, and discusses emerging challenges and requirements posed by compulsory… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This paper aims to increase understanding of the requirements for introducing and scaling up provision of Anti-retroviral Therapy (ART) as part of comprehensive HIV/AIDS programmes in resource-poor countries. It explores the feasibility of ART in resource poor settings;the different approaches taken to the delievery of ART; the issues to be considered in scaling… Read more
HSRC REPORT: A discussion of the benefits and problems of contracting for services, providing guidelines for using commissioning and contracts to improve performance and accountability, and a model contract for adaptation and use.
HSRC REPORT: A review of current initiatives to improve joint working between health and social care services.