Communicable Diseases
In late 2013, the Collaboration for Applied Health Research & Delivery (CAHRD) embarked on a major Consultation that will end with a meeting in Liverpool on 12th and 13th June to shape its strategic direction to address major health challenges over the next 10 to 20 years. The aim of the 2014 Consultation is to foster… Read more
This roundtable, held at Centre for Global Health Policy, University of Sussex, threw light on various dimensions of TB, including the global disease burden and the national situation in the UK, access to treatment, drug resistance, and recent efforts by pharmaceutical companies and global health initiatives to develop new therapies. A summary of the roundtable… Read more
This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the TB epidemic and progress in implementing and ?nancing TB prevention, care and control at global, regional and country levels using data reported by 197 countries and territories that account for over 99% of the world’s TB cases. Five priority actions required to accelerate progress towards the MDG 2015 targets… Read more
Last week I was lucky enough to attend a roundtable event titled ‘Tackling the Global Tuberculosis (TB) Threat: Can we learn from the HIV response?’ It was hosted by the Centre for Global Health Policy, University of Sussex. With World TB Day being marked on the 24 March, the event offered a timely reminder that… Read more
The Sphere Humanitarian Charter states that: All people should have access to health services that are prioritised to address the main causes of excess mortality and morbidity. There are a number of handbooks to aid prioritisation in crisis situations (highlighted in section 2 of this report): The Johns Hopkins and Red Cross Red Crescent public… Read more
Findings on health and nutrition management of protracted population displacement include: A synthesis of food assistance programme evaluations finds unacceptably high numbers of refugees were food-insecure, women more so than men. A review of nutrition indicators evaluating performance of nutrition programmes in more than 90 camps in 18 countries found supplementary and therapeutic feeding programmes… Read more
The REACHOUT programme is an ambitious international research project helping to understand and develop the role of close-to-community providers of health care in preventing, diagnosing, and treating major illnesses and health conditions in rural and urban areas in Africa and Asia. The REACHOUT consortium is composed of eight partners and is co-ordinated by the Liverpool School… Read more
The governments of the UK and US hosted the “Millennium Development Goal Countdown 2013” during the United Nations General Assembly, in New York on 24th September. The event aimed to showcase how girls and women are a force for change in helping the world achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to showcase inspiring examples… Read more
A community-based TB intervention package was implemented in Sidama zone, Ethiopia. The package included advocacy, training, engaging stakeholders and communities and active case-finding by female Health Extension Workers (HEWs) at village level. HEWs conducted house-to-house visits, identified individuals with a cough for two or more weeks, with or without other symptoms, collected sputum, prepared smears… Read more
Malaria remains a leading cause of global ill health, causing an estimated 216 million cases of clinical malaria and 655 thousand deaths in 2010, of which more than 85% of malaria cases and 90% of malaria deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa. Across the Sahel sub-region of sub-Saharan Africa, most childhood malaria mortality and morbidity occurs… Read more
The goal of the national Malaria control programme in Mali is to reduce malaria related morbidity and mortality by 80% by 2015 from 2005 rates, by ensuring: universal coverage of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLINs) and prompt diagnosis and treatment of malaria; and by developing community-based interventions to bring prevention, diagnosis and treatment closer… Read more