Communicable Diseases
The material in this bibliography covers: Health system strengthening (HSS) challenges regarding malaria prevention HSS challenges regarding diagnosis and treatment HSS challenges regarding financing of and access to malaria-related health care How malaria may affect HSS Level of health workers suitable for malaria care delivery Barriers to access How to reach the poorest Commodity-related issues… Read more
This review looks at articles relating to malaria and nutrition. These addressed different stages of the lifecycle, both vivax and falciparum malaria, and varying nutritional interventions. Of these, the 5-10 most-cited trials and reviews relating to each of general undernutrition, micronutrient deficiency, vitamin A, or zinc were selected for review and the ten most relevant… Read more
There has been little historic research and development (R&D) investment in technologies to address developing country health needs. The reasons for this are numerous and include: High capital costs to undertake the R&D and the long time between R&D investment and “commercialisation” of the resulting technology R&D investment not appropriable (in this case, insufficient commercial… Read more
HRC REPORT: This report presents the relative cost-effectiveness of scaling-up delivery of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN). It concludes that there is currently unrealistic optimism on the levels of access to LLINs and their use that can be achieved within the next few years, and on the numbers of LLINs needed to reach these targets…. Read more
HSRC REPORT: This briefing, concentrates on what is achievable with current tools and contemporary epidemiology in terms of Malaria eradication. New tools are likely to become available over time now that eradication is back on the agenda, backed by significant resources, but there are none which are likely to make global eradication possible currently near… Read more
HRC REPORT: This paper focuses on the complementary roles of Product Development Partnerships and Advanced Market Commitments, as mechanisms to incentivise industry towards the development of health technologies for neglected diseases.
HRC REPORT: This report reviews MMV’s(Medicine for Malaria Ventures) mission, governance structures, management and operations, factors contributing to its successes to date and challenges for the future. It also analyses the different public-private partnerships formed by MMV, looking at the benefits of partnerships between ‘academia, industry and the public sector’.