Health Systems
Many countries are now attempting to roll out and scale up Community Health Worker (CHW) programmes. CHWs provide a wide range of health services. They are community-based workers who are trained, but have no formal professional or paraprofessional certificate. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to find out how intervention design can influence… Read more
Kenya’s community health strategy (2006) expounds the country’s plan to expand access to community health care for the whole population, through two close-to-community providers: community health workers (CHWs) (community selected community members who carry out a range of activities at household level) and community health extension workers (CHEWs) (government selected workers who supervise CHWs among… Read more
Tim Martineau is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management (HRM) at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and leads a growing team working on health workforce issues. In this video, he talks about the Health Systems in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States Working Group, a subgroup of Health Systems Global which is a society for… Read more
Professor Imelda Bates is the Head of the Capacity Research Unit (CRU), Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the focus for an emerging international network with expertise in the evaluation of research capacity development. In this video, Professor Bates talks about the CRU’s work in health research capacity development in low and middle income countries (LMICs),… Read more
Barbara McPake is a health economist specialising in health policy and health systems research. She is one of two Research Directors of ReBUILD, a UK Department for International Development funded Research Programme Consortium on health systems development. In this video, she talks about the consortium’s work in building resilient and responsive health systems in conflict-affected states. ReBUILD… Read more
Several promising new diagnostic methods and algorithms for tuberculosis have been endorsed by WHO. National tuberculosis programmes now face the decision on which methods to implement and where to place them in the diagnostic algorithm. We used an integrated model to assess the effects of different algorithms of Xpert MTB/RIF and light-emitting diode (LED) fluorescence… Read more
The need for a strong and comprehensive evidence base to support decision making with regard to the implementation of new and improved diagnostic tools and approaches has been highlighted by a number of stakeholders; these include members of the New Diagnostics Working Group (NDWG) and the Subgroup for Introducing New Approaches and Tools of the… Read more
Newly developed diagnostic tools and algorithms face a number of barriers in effective implementation. Policy makers need to make rational decisions on whether to go ahead and invest in new innovations for health and how. Should a new diagnostic test replace or be used in combination with an existing method? What are the access costs… Read more
Beginning in October 2012, five donors (Australia, Canada, the European Union, Sweden and the UK) are providing £120 million through the Health Pooled Fund (HPF) for a programme in South Sudan lasting three and a half years. The UK leads and manages the HPF on behalf of other contributing donors. The programme supports the delivery… Read more
The recent call for more of a focus on people centred health systems and the devastating effects of Ebola in West Africa have brought communities to the forefront of the attention of decision makers. REACHOUT, along with our sister consortia ReBUILD and COUNTDOWN, are part of a growing group of health systems researchers who are trying to provide… Read more
This cost study of the EPHS in the three zones of Somalia provides an important step in establishing the fundamental building blocks for further economic and VfM analysis of EPHS implementation and impact. The report explores the following economic questions: What are the actual total and unit costs of EPHS implementation in the regions where… Read more