Despite extensive efforts in promoting condom use, men still engage in risky sexual behaviors due to certain myths and misconceptions. Considering the threat posed by HIV to the development of Africa, this study investigates condom myths and misconceptions among 600 adult men in a West African University population. The mean age was 24 years, about… Read more
The Malawi National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (NSP 2011 – 2016) is a follow up of the National HIV and AIDS Action Framework (NAF 2005 – 2009), which was extended to 2012. The NSP seeks to provide continued guidance to the national response to HIV and AIDS, building on work done in the past… Read more
This regional ten-country curriculum scan was jointly commissioned by UNESCO, UNFPA and UNICEF for the HIV Prevention Working Group of the Regional AIDS Team in East and Southern Africa (RATESA). The scans were commissioned as part of an inter-agency programme aimed at supporting countries in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region to improve the… Read more
Two years on from the 2011 HIV Position Paper, DFID is making substantial progress against its expected results. Treatment related commitments have already been achieved, and the remaining targets set out in the HIV position paper are largely on track to be met by 2015. A consultation was held to: understand available evidence and reflect… Read more
In this video Lori Heise, the CEO of the DFID funded STRIVE research consortium, gives a brief summary of their work on the drivers of HIV. She describes how the group is working with partners from India, Tanzania and South Africa to gain a better understanding of how environments can help people to make healthier… Read more
Training female sex workers (FSW) in alternative income generation has emerged as an innovative HIV/AIDS prevention strategy. This new report published by KHPT focuses on a range of interlinking community mobilisation strategies. The study demonstrates the impact of two vulnerability reduction strategies on HIV risk among female sex workers: Collectivisation Participation in savings activities The report argues… Read more
This summary report presents key findings from ICRW’s evaluation study in five settings. India’s National AIDS Control Programme (NACO) recognises stigma as a key driver of HIV infection and a barrier to treatment. To inform the latest national plan, and with support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) has:… Read more
This policy paper outlines the UK’s position on HIV in the developing world.
STRIVE Research Director Charlotte Watts presented a general overview of the HIV epidemic’s evolution at a workshop hosted by DFID with the AIDS Consortium, to review the UK government Position Paper on AIDS, Towards Zero Infections. The presentation answers key questions: What are the implications for HIV of the global economic context? How has HIV financing been… Read more
This report illustrates the findings of a qualitative study carried out among young people in Karnataka State, in India. The report, published by KHPT with support from STRIVE, explores girls’ attitudes and aspirations with respect to education and attending school. The study was based on workshops with adolescent girls of different age groups, using methods… Read more
This discussion paper examines why Islam matters in prevention efforts for HIV, what Islam and Muslim scholars say about MSM and transgender people, as well as how this impact on the lives of MSM and transgender people and their access to health services. While Islam allows for difference of opinion, and the religious leaders disagree on… Read more