“I lived my life serving my husband and family as I am taught in religion, now my husband is dead and I am told to leave the village.” These are the words of a Malaysian Muslim woman living with HIV cited in one of the plenary presentations of the HIV/AIDS in Islamic Majority Settings pre-conference… Read more
Home-based HIV testing and counselling (HBTC) refers to HIV testing and counselling (HTC) services conducted by trained HTC service providers in someone’s home. The main purpose of HBHTC is to bring HTC services to households, overcoming some of the barriers of access to testing services and providing testing to individuals who might not otherwise seek… Read more
This audio recording is of Dr. Neil Squires, Head of Profession for Health at DFID, talking at The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) Coinfections meeting in February 2013. The ISNTD Coinfections meeting was aiming for multidisciplinary progress in global healthcare by exploring the implications of coinfection between NTDs and other communicable diseases, and… Read more
Evaluation findings include: Programme implementation was slower than anticipated. At Goal level Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) and HIV incidence rates remain low and have been sustained during the project. However, incidence was very low on commencement so it is difficult to attribute this to interventions. Higher level on-island inputs should have been provided in the… Read more
This report is divided into the following sections: Who Uses the Female Condom? Typical users seem to vary in different countries and according to different studies. This section looks at different countries and identifies users and the reasons behind this. Is FC use correlated to HIV prevalence? Study results differ on whether they may be… Read more
The objectives of the review were to revise the programme log frame to reflect the outcome of the 2011 Bilateral AIDS Review decision not to continue with the Total War on AIDS component; to review the progress towards milestones and targets and make recommendations on any changes that should be made as the programme enters… Read more
A better understanding of the relationship between HIV and human mobility in southern Africa is essential for the development of appropriate measures for HIV prevention, treatment, care and support to reduce HIV vulnerability among host communities as well as migrant communities. The aim of this document was to identify, assess and document emerging best practices… Read more
This report sets out an assessment, so far as data allow, of the Regional HIV and AIDS Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) programme which supports three civil society organisations and their projects to: Reduce the spread of HIV in South Africa through health education and “edutainment” Increase knowledge and shift beliefs and behaviours towards behaviour likely… Read more
Harm reduction refers to policies, programmes and practices that aim to reduce the harms associated with the use of psychoactive drugs in people unable or unwilling to stop. The defining features are the focus on the prevention of harm, rather than on the prevention of drug use itself, and the focus on people who continue… Read more
HLSP REPORT: This paper explores the wider lessons emerging from the National AIDS Control Programme Phase II in India, and how the overall approach, management and commissioning processes contributed to its success.
HLSP REPORT: The global update is intended as a reference guide to the key events and activities of the last six months in the health and development arena.