HRC REPORT: This review outlines the current arrangements for country health sector teams in ten International Health Partnership countries: Burundi, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria and Zambia. It provides a summary of good practice and effective national coordination in health and HIV/AIDS. The review draws on the National AIDS Councils/Commissions, explains Country… Read more
HRC REPORT: This paper reviews the experiences of franchising and discusses the opportunities and implications for governments and donors of franchising for HIV and AIDS services.
HRC REPORT: This review explores the policy, financing and institutional factors that enable or constrain the integration of sexual and reproductive health and rights programmes, with policy and programmes for HIV prevention, and AIDS treatment and care.
HRC REPORT: This paper draws together lessons learned from a number of evaluations and reviews of National AIDS Coordinating Authorities (NACA)s from the last three years. It suggests that some of the underlying problems facing NACAs stem from broader governance issues concerning the transferability of institutional models and political incentives for doing something about AIDS…. Read more
HRC REPORT: This report provides a summary of notes from 7th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, Kobe, 2005.
HRC REPORT: This report provides some immediate feedback from the IAEN (International AIDS Economic Network) pre-conference titled “AIDS in the 21st Century: Who Will Pay?” as well as the first 3 days of the main IAS (International AIDS Society) conference, titled “Access for All”.
HSRC REPORT: This briefing note focuses on major points in the NHS Plan and its funding base.