International Policy and Aid Financing
HRC REPORT: This report contains the results of an independent evaluation into Global Health Partnerships as outlined in Lord Crisp’s report, Global Health Partnerships: The UK contribution to health in developing countries (March 2003). The report clearly documents that links can benefit partners both in developing countries and in the UK – but also recognises… Read more
HRC REPORT: This report covers a range of issues concerned with the procurement and management of technical assistance for the health sector in Pakistan. It considers how DFID can ensure that its investments in technical assistance continue to move towards a growing vision of a more aligned and market oriented approach to technical assistance, procured… Read more
HRC REPORT: The overall purpose of the one-day training is to provide research partners with a basic understanding of the logical framework approach and logframes so they are able to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses in their own logframes.
HRC REPORT: This report synthesises written submissions to DFID collected in July 2006 via a public consultation process. The report identifies gaps in the response to health challenges, key areas to be strengthened and outlines how health architecture can be improved to deliver better health for the poor.
HSRC REPORT: This paper considers the short and longer term options for aligning supply and demand of artemisin-based combination therapy (ACT) for Malaria. This is set on a background of increasing pressure for countries to change their anti-malaria drug policy to ACT (Artemisin-based Combination Therapies), by the World Health Organisation. However, despite the fact that… Read more
HRC REPORT: This report, commissioned as part of a series evaluating Global Health Partnerships (GHPs), focuses on identifying the impact of structures embedded within GHPs on pricing and security ofcommodities that meet global health needs in developing countries. The report identifies the market structure within which the different GHPs are operating, traces the various functions… Read more
HRC REPORT: This report provides an overview of the financial issues around Global health partnerships,macroeconomic stability, aid dependence and sustainability of related health initiatives.
HRC REPORT: DFID commissioned a substantial, evidence-based assessment of the impact of the Global Health Partnerships (GHPs) with which DFID engages at both global and country level, drawing out best practice principles to guide DFID’s future engagement.This synthesis report summarises key findings from a series of component studies which in practice covered a wider range… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This study describes the current context relating to access to medicines in Kenya , which currently obtains medicines from domestic and international sources. It also outlines the influence of TRIPS on availability of essential medicines in health centers in Kenya. It looks at how TRIPS flexibilities influence the importation of specific drugs and… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This note summarises the main issues and recommendations made at a DFID workshop in 2004. The workshop consisted of a discussion of the findings from an independent review of DFID’s social marketing services in the health sector, in 2003.
HSRC REPORT: This report provides an overview of the implications of international recruitment of health workers to the UK.