The data presented here is described as generally consistent with the Annex Tables published in the WHO report “Global burden of disease: 2004 update”. Some revisions have been carried out for a number of countries following a consultation with Member States which took place during late 2008. Comments or data provided by Member States were… Read more
This report identifies exclusion as a key feature of inequity as well as a key constraint to progress. In many countries, universal access to the care all women and children are entitled to is still far from realization. Taking stock of the erratic progress to date, the report sets out the strategies required for the… Read more
Most efforts to date to prevent mother-to child transmission of HIV have focused on provision of antiretroviral prophylaxis to HIV-infected pregnant women. Increasing voluntary contraceptive use has been an underused approach, despite clear evidence that preventing pregnancies in HIV-infected women who do not wish to become pregnant is an effective strategy for reducing HIV-positive births…. Read more
This analysis looks at the costs and benefits of adding family planning services to programs for the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV in fourteen high HIV prevalence countries. The benefits of PMTCT programs are discussed. They are further enhanced by the addition of family planning services which by 2007 could avert an… Read more
This report is about one strategy that will make the MDGs easier and more affordable for countries to meet. It shows how meeting unmet need for family planning can help countries achieve the MDGs by reducing the size of the target population groups for the MDGs and therefore lowering the costs of meeting the MDGs…. Read more
In 2012, the Copenhagen Consensus Center’s flagship project, Copenhagen Consensus 2012 provided an answer to the question: If we had an extra $75 billion to put to good use, which problems would we solve first? This was more than just an intellectual exercise; it was a way to identify the areas of spending where the… Read more
This is a chapter that looks at diarrhoeal diseases in the book: disease control priorities in developing countries. The chapter covers: Transmission Laboratory diagnosis Syndromic diagnosis Diarrhoea, environment and poverty Public health significance of diarrheal illnesses Preventive strategies Case management Cost-effectiveness of interventions Research agenda
This study models the potential benefits and costs of adding family planning to national strategies for achieving universal access to programs to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission. The analysis assumes a service delivery perspective and estimate the cost-effectiveness of programs to reduce the number of HIV-infected children through using antiretroviral prophylaxis to prevent perinatal transmission, and… Read more
This is a chapter that looks at tuberculosis in the book: disease control priorities in developing countries. The chapter covers: Tuberculosis infection, disease and death epidemiological burden and trends Intervention against tuberculosis Alternative and complementary approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of active disease cost effectiveness of interventions against tuberculosis cost effectiveness of managing endemic… Read more
This is a chapter that looks at HIV/AIDs prevention and treatment in the book: disease control priorities in developing countries. The chapter covers: obstacles to HIV control action under uncertainty prevention in theory and practice: using epidemic profiles and contextual factors to inform prevention guidelines prevention-care synergy care and treatment research agenda
This sixth edition of the WHO Global and regional estimates of unsafe abortion and associated mortality is a resource on unsafe abortion. The following areas are covered: background legal context of abortion barriers to accessing safe abortion services fertility transition, unplanned pregnancy, contraceptive prevalence and unmet need for family planning health consequences of unsafe abortion… Read more