HSRC REPORT: This annex provides an overview of the main operating international social marketing organisations. It provides information about their locations, programme strategies, goals and expenditures.
HSRC REPORT: This annex provides the information that it has been possible to obtain from a range of sources in order to determine the level and extent of DFID funding and support for social marketing – both centrally and through bilateral funds. This includes the specification of the social marketing organisation receiving support.
HSRC REPORT: This annex provides an overview of social marketing, including definitions, forms and models currently in operation.
HSRC REPORT: This annex addresses contractual issues relating to the delivery of social marketing projects funded by DFID. It is largely based on the findings of the case studies.
HSRC REPORT: This annex describes the importance of the relationship between the private sector and social marketing.
HSRC REPORT: This annex gives an overview of Dutch, German, and US policy approaches to social marketing.
HSRC REPORT: This review examined for 6 African countries, the country based poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP) documentation and the associated World Bank/IMF HIPC (Heavily Indebted Poor Countries) documentation for human resources for health content. These documents were supplemented with other relevant country documents such as health strategies.
HSRC REPORT: This review examines the country based poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP) documentation and the associated World Bank/IMF HIPC documentation for human resources for health content for 6 African countries: Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritania, Tanzania and Uganda.
HSRC REPORT: The purpose of this review is to describe where External Quality Assessment fits in the broader set of levers that exist for engaging with health care providers and organisations in developing countries in order to improve quality and affordability of care.
HSRC REPORT: This report provides a set of inputs into a 2003 expert review on social marketing for the Department for International Development. The inputs respond to the consultant terms of reference and include an analytical framework that defines the rationale and role of social marketing in a health system and a systematic review of… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This report finds that social marketing (SM) represents an extremely valuable tool to induce behaviour change of public health significance, and to improve access to health goods and services. However, changes in existing practice are recommended in relation to SM programme design and management, strengthening national ownership, and DFID capacities and procedures.