HSRC REPORT: This paper focuses on the allocation of public resources, and the extent to which different approaches enable poor people to access essential services. It attempts to set out how a country might begin to allocate public resources in ways which promote better access by the poor to essential services.
HSRC REPORT: This paper provides a critical review of methods for defining and measuring poverty. It attempts to inform policy formulation by International aid organisations by drawing attention to the necessity of measuring poverty indicators alongside health indicators, while monitoring progress to health related MDGs and other global health initiatives.
HSRC REPORT: This paper, aimed primarily at DFID advisors and health sector analysts, attempts to map out selected issues relating to the planning and management of human resources in health by combining an international perspective with issues and trends emerging from individual countries.
HSRC REPORT: This is a report of a two day DFID workshop on health insurance in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in April 2002. The initiative was in response to the increasing policy interest in health insurance (HI) in several SSA countries, and particularly in social health insurance schemes.
HSRC REPORT: A Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEF) is a multi-year public expenditure planning exercise that is used to set out the future budget requirements for existing services, and to assess the resource implications of future policy changes and any new programmes. This paper describes the role and value of an MTEF, and how it… Read more
HSRC REPORT: This report examines benefit incidence analysis studies and outlines how they can help target limited resources towards the needs of the poor. It also provides examples by analysig case studies in India and Bangladesh.
HSRC REPORT: This paper outlines how health policy and strategy are addressed in PRSPs (Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers), and suggests roles for external partners, such as DFID, in the country-owned PRSP process.
HSRC REPORT: This paper has provides background information on the concept of SWAps (Sector Wide Approaches) and their implementation for policy makers, donor agency staff and health professionals. The paper attempts to encapsulate the main conceptual and practical issues involved in SWAp development.
HSRC REPORT: This briefing note focuses on major points in the NHS Plan and its funding base.
HSRC REPORT: Clinical governance is central to the UK Government’s agenda to ensure that quality of care becomes a key driver in the development of health services. This report takes a look at the key features of clinical governance within the NHS system.
HSRC REPORT: This paper reviews the range of tools used in collecting data on health and socioeconomic status and argues that very few of these methods are capable of providing information about the health of the very poor.