Sexual and Reproductive Health
In this revision of the World Population Prospects, the latest global demographic estimates and projections are presented. The data was prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. With this revision, the Poulation Division issues the twenty third round of global population estimates and projections since… Read more
This paper was produced by the Poverty and Human Resources Division of the World Bank’s Policy Research Department. It examines the relationship between population growth, factor accumulation, and productivity. It attempts to close the gap in empirical literature, which has mostly focused on the relationship between population growth and output per person. The author uses… Read more
Gender and sexual and reproductive health are inherently connected and must be examined together to bring about better health outcomes and more gender equitable societies. This course seeks to provide learners with an introduction to the links between gender and sexual and reproductive health and introduce the basics of gender integration in sexual and reproductive health programs…. Read more
The practice of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) harms the physical, psychological, and reproductive and sexual health of women and is a violation of women’s fundamental human rights. About 100 to 140 million girls and young women have experienced FGM/C, and an additional three million are at risk each year. This course will provide learners with… Read more
This course has two main goals. The first is to provide an introduction to key sexual and reproductive health issues of youth, including the relationship between gender norms and health. The second is to present an overview of the best programmatic approaches for improving young people’s sexual and reproductive health. By the end of this… Read more
Thirty years after its emergence in the West, the global HIV pandemic is still a pressing public health concern. In many countries, infection with HIV still carries a significant stigma, which creates barriers that prevent infected individuals from accessing available treatment options. In an ideal world, we would be able to design a ‘one size… Read more
I’m asking myself this question in relation to the sex education that is offered to adolescents in Malawi as part of their education. It is ‘sanitised’ because they are only taught about abstinence (while the other preventative methods of ‘being faithful to one’s partner’ and ‘condomising’ are completely ignored). According to the UNAIDS AIDS Pandemic… Read more
The Kaiser Family Foundation mapped the geographic landscape of global health donor assistance for family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH). Recipient countries typically received assistance for FP/RH from multiple different donors. Looking over the period 2009-2011, the report found: The average number of donors present in each recipient country was 8. Eleven recipient countries… Read more
Most efforts to date to prevent mother-to child transmission of HIV have focused on provision of antiretroviral prophylaxis to HIV-infected pregnant women. Increasing voluntary contraceptive use has been an underused approach, despite clear evidence that preventing pregnancies in HIV-infected women who do not wish to become pregnant is an effective strategy for reducing HIV-positive births…. Read more
Romani women in Europe are currently facing this particularly gross form of discrimination and rights violation, but contemporary practices of coercive sterilisation exist in a historical context with an enduring legacy. AWID rewinds the clock to reveal lessons missed.
The purpose of this paper was to assess the implications of potentially elevated risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) acquisition with the use of hormonal contraceptives for individual users and public policies. Two indicators expressing costs (additional unwanted births and additional maternal deaths) in terms of the same unit of benefit (per 100 HIV infections… Read more