Sexual and Reproductive Health
The study aimed to assess the association between hormonal contraceptive use and risk of HIV-1 acquisition by women and HIV-1 transmission from HIV-1-infected women to their male partners. 3790 heterosexual HIV-1-serodiscordant couples participating in two longitudinal studies of HIV-1 incidence in seven African countries were followed up. Among injectable and oral hormonal contraceptive users and… Read more
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that it has approved an amended application submitted by Teva Women’s Health, Inc. to market Plan B One-Step (active ingredient levonorgestrel) for use without a prescription by women 15 years of age and older. After the FDA did not approve Teva’s application to make Plan B One-Step available… Read more
Emergency contraception has been called the best-kept contraceptive secret. Previous research shows that several regimens of postcoital contraception offer safe and effective ways for women to avoid pregnancy. Yet the methods are typically unavailable to women in developing countries. In this article, the authors review the main methods of emergency contraception and describe experience with… Read more
The 2008 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS) was designed to provide data for monitoring the population and health situation in Ghana. The 2008 GDHS is the fifth Demographic and Health Survey conducted in Ghana. The objective of the survey was to provide up-to-date information on fertility, family planning, childhood mortality, nutrition, maternal and child… Read more
The study estimates the effect of fertility on female labor force participation in a cross-country panel data set using abortion legislation as an instrument for fertility. The study found a large negative effect of the fertility rate on female labor force participation. The direct effect was concentrated among those aged 20-39; cohort participation was persistent… Read more
This article highlights: the world population problem policy of aid by advanced countries problems in industrialised societies problem for the individual family planning clinics post-partum tubal ligation and therapeutic abortion During the three years 1961-3 the following operations to terminate pregnancy were performed on women (married and single) resident in the City of Aberdeen (UK):… Read more
Access to reproductive health services remains a big challenge in rural remote areas in Tanzania, due to limited health personnel, the public’s poor health seeking behaviour, distance between the villages and facilities as well as medicine stock-outs in public facilities. Due to these reasons, people resort to visiting informal providers based in their communities such… Read more
This report illustrates the findings of a qualitative study carried out among young people in Karnataka State, in India. The report, published by KHPT with support from STRIVE, explores girls’ attitudes and aspirations with respect to education and attending school. The study was based on workshops with adolescent girls of different age groups, using methods… Read more
In the short video below, Jane Miller, a Health Adviser for Department for International Development (DFID), discusses the key issue of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), which is also known as Female Genital Cutting (FGC). In many African countries, women’s rights have made great progress. However FGM continues to undermine the rights of women and girls…. Read more
Efforts aimed at the abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in the communities where it is deeply rooted have extensively considered and addressed women’s perceptions on the issue, leaving those of men barely acknowledged. Although the practice is generally confined to the secret world of women, it does not mean that men cannot be influential…. Read more
Synthesis Report: Will declines in fertility boost economic growth for sub-Saharan Africa? In a region where demographic change is still at an early stage, can sub-Saharan Africa look forward to the promise of economic growth and its benefits, in the same way that East Asia has experienced? Can family planning programmes help to accelerate this… Read more