This rapid literature review assesses the evidence on the benefits of business being allowed to operate across borders within Africa for farmers; consumers; national economies, and donors. The evidence for promoting effective trade and access of food across borders within Africa is optimistic. Data for this report was taken from available for supra-national and regional… Read more
This helpdesk reports that defining famine has proved historically challenging. The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) provides a common currency for classifying both the magnitude and severity of food insecurity through a set of standardised tools. Despite the standard definition that the IPC provides, there have been several incidents where mass nutrition related mortality… Read more
Steve Lewis from RESULTS reports on events in New York at the UN General Assembly In September I marched with over 300,000 people in New York, protesting against Climate Change and the weak global response so far. But why was I marching on an environment issue when my work with RESULTS is to manage health… Read more
This report puts forward recommendations for how the US government can better address climate change through its policies on global agricultural development. It argues for the United States to rally international resources and deploy its agricultural research enterprise—its universities, research institutes, and agrifood businesses—to gather more information about how climate change will affect the global… Read more
This paper, commissioned by the UK Hunger Alliance, addresses the question of how sustainable smallholder agriculture can contribute to improving food security and reducing under-nutrition in the developing world. Food insecurity and under-nutrition remain pressing problems in the developing world. Some 852 million people were estimated to be undernourished in 2010–12. Micro-nutrient deficiencies, especially of… Read more
Despite the fact that there is enough food for everyone, almost 870 million people go hungry every night. 2.3 million children die needlessly because of malnutrition each year and 165 million more have their future potential permanently damaged because they don’t receive the right nutrients at the start of life. This is a human tragedy,… Read more
By providing evidence on value chains, this report assesses the potential of a number of products to contribute to reducing undernutrition in Ghana. It analyses the challenges that inhibit these products from having greater impact and identifies options for development agencies, public-private partnerships and others to help address these challenges. It focuses on the key… Read more
This paper provides comment on how improving the nutrition sensitivity of food systems has potential to realise outcomes, yet despite this knowledge there is still inaction. This may be due to goals other than improved nutrition are pursued by strong economic and political interests in both the agricultural sector and the postharvest value chain. A… Read more