Childhood nutrition
Dr Chris Osa is the Head of the Nutrition Division at the Federal Ministry of Health in Nigeria. In this video, he discusses the Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria (WINNN) project from the perspective of the Nigerian Government. According to Dr Osa, WINNN has had a significant impact on nutrition in Northern Nigeria… Read more
Professor Andrew Tomkins is the International Team Leader of the Operational Research and Impact Evaluation (ORIE) project. In this video, Professor Tomkins discusses the future of the Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria (WINNN) project and puts forward a brief proposal of what WINNN 2 might look like in the future. WINNN 2 Aims: – Preventing… Read more
Dr Ibrahim Oloriegbe is the Chief of Party/National Programme Manager for the Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria (WINNN) project in Abuja, Nigeria. He is responsible for the overall leadership, management and coordination of the project. In this video, Dr Oloriegbe discusses the WINNN project, including the purpose, impact, outcome, and outputs of this… Read more
Schooling predicts better reproductive outcomes, better long-term health, and increased lifetime earnings. We used data from 5 cohorts (Brazil, Guatemala, India, the Philippines, and South Africa) to explore the relative importance of birthweight and postnatal weight gain for schooling in pooled analyses (n = 7945) that used appropriate statistical methods [conditional weight (CW) gain measures… Read more
Diarrhoea is an important cause of death and illness among chil- dren in developing countries; however, it remains controversial as to whether diarrhoea leads to stunting. We conducted a pooled analysis of nine studies that collected daily diarrhoea morbidity and longitudinal anthropometry to determine the effects of the long- itudinal history of diarrhoea prior to… Read more
Despite the popularity of school meals, little evidence exists on their effect on health outcomes. This study uses newly available longitudinal data from the state of Andhra Pradesh in India to estimate the impact of the introduction of a national midday meal program on anthropometric z-scores of primary school students, and investigates whether the program… Read more
Levels of child malnutrition in India have fallen only slowly during the 1990s, despite significant economic growth and considerable expenditure on the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) programme, of which the major component is supplementary feeding for malnourished children. To begin to unravel this puzzle, this article assesses the programme’s placement and its outcomes, using… Read more
ACTION global health advocacy partnership have launched their Nutrition Donor Scorecards, an accountability tool for tracking donor’s Nutrition for Growth Commitments. Until recently nutrition has been relegated to the sidelines of development planning only taking center stage at times of acute humanitarian crises. Yet with undernutrition behind 45% of all preventable child deaths worldwide this… Read more
In the past few years, new evidence has shown that investments in nutrition encourage healthy growth of children, nations, and economies. Optimal nutrition from the start of a woman’s pregnancy to her child’s second birthday 1,000 days later, provides an optimal opportunity to influence cognitive development and growth and improve chances for a successful future. Furthermore, through the global… Read more
Incorrect knowledge of the health production function may lead to inefficient household choices, and thereby to the production of suboptimal levels of health. This paper studies the effects of a randomized intervention in rural Malawi which, over a six-month period, provided mothers of young infants with information on child nutrition without supplying any monetary or… Read more
Sustainable development, a foundation of the post-2015 global agenda, depends on healthy and productive citizens. The origins of adult health begin early in life, stemming from genetic–environmental interactions that include adequate nutrition and opportunities for responsive learning. Inequities associated with inadequate nutrition and early learning opportunities can undermine children’s health and development, thereby compromising their… Read more