Financing nutrition
This was an extensive query to tackle in 3 days. The result is an annotated bibliography covering a selection of key papers identified through a rapid search on the different nutrition interventions. Section 2 includes a number of resources on community-based management with evaluations finding it to be cost effective. Sections 3-5 are on breastfeeding,… Read more
This report provides analysis that responds to the need for better information on official development assistance investments to end under-nutrition. This information helps support donors’ accountability for meeting their commitments. It looks at UK Department for International Development (DFID) aid spending on nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive projects from 2010 to 2012, following the Scaling Up Nutrition… Read more
Under-nutrition is a major challenge for both low- and middle-income countries, and significantly affects the lives of individuals and communities. It is the underlying cause of 35% of all deaths among children under five. Under-nourished children are also more likely to be vulnerable to illnesses and earn about 10% less as adults if they survive…. Read more