Inclusive Development
This report summarises available evidence on approaches to promoting inclusion, participation and achievement in education for Roma children. The purpose of this report was to inform programme development for Roma education in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and to support policy dialogue with governments, sub-national authorities and others. However, examples and evidence from the… Read more
Introduction to the topic This is the third in the series of urban health reading packs. It builds on the urban heath reading pack A on the data and evidence available on urban health, and on the experiences and challenges of inter-sectoral responses outlined in reading pack B. This pack focuses on service provision within… Read more
Introduction to the topic This reading pack briefly highlights some of the research and programme work that are showing positive benefits for young children with disabilities in low-resource settings. The international evidence that high quality early childhood development (ECD) programmes benefit all children’s development, life experiences, and life chances is overwhelming. The evidence comes from… Read more
Agreement on the Sustainable Development Goals signals that early childhood development (ECD) will be a priority focus for the twenty-first century. Explicit mention is made in SDG Target 4.2 which states that by 2030 countries should: ‘ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that… Read more
The Punjab Economic Opportunities Programme (PEOP) is a flagship programme of the Government of Punjab being implemented in partnership with DfID. PEOP aims to alleviate poverty and create inclusive growth in the province’s high poverty districts – Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Lodhran and Muzaffargarh – by increasing the employability and earnings of poor and vulnerable families. This… Read more
In 2015, as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) come to an end, a new generation of world leaders, government officials, donors and civil society organisations, have joined forces to articulate their vision for a future where all people can contribute to, and benefit from, an inclusive development framework. Across the documents and consultations, these leaders… Read more
Nidhi Singal is an expert on education and disability research at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. In this video she talks about direction of education in disability research in the southern context. She states that many debates in this field are mostly determined by the northern hegemonic understanding of disability and education. Only a… Read more
In this short interview Purna Kumar Shrestha, Global Education Lead, Voluntary Services Overseas International (VSO) talks about the VSO project in Ghana ‘Tackling Education Needs Inclusively (TENI)‘. TENI aims to improve the quality of education received by more than 50,000 children in northern Ghana. The programme is specifically focused on girls and disabled children. TENI… Read more
Guy Le Fanu is the education advisor for Sightsavers, an international development organisation working in the fields of health, education and social inclusion. His work involves overseeing education projects for children with disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa, India, and South Asian. In this interview, Guy talks about the recently published HEART Inclusive Learning Topic Guide, for… Read more
Julia McGeown is the Inclusive Education Technical Advisor at Handicap International. In this interview, she talks about the recently published HEART Inclusive Learning Topic Guide. Julia’s work involves overseeing education projects in around 20 countries around the world. Working alongside Dr Susie Miles, Julia used her expertise to assist with the drafting of the Topic… Read more
Inclusive learning is defined in the Topic Guide as ‘the result of effective teaching practice, an adapted learning environment and teaching approaches which ensure that all children are included, engaged and supported’. The Topic Guide addresses some of the contested and debated issues around terminology, labelling, and segregated, integrated and inclusive schooling; reviews the limited evidence that exists from low and middle income countries;and identifies future research directions. Read more